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BannedMyName t1_iwf7rfz wrote

I was taught in MA that you don't need a signal because where the heck else would you be going at that point


Thomas_Perscors t1_iwg6w89 wrote

I’m also from the Midwest and it was a bit of culture shock to see how rarely people out here use turn signals. It’s like you’re saving it for a special occasion.


TzarKazm t1_iwg7z92 wrote

You don't want to end up running out of blinker fluid. That stuff is expensive.


AhBuckleThis t1_iwggw0i wrote

In MA, turn signals are a sign of weakness. Never let your opponent know your next move lol.


dontcomeback82 t1_iwgs4mc wrote

If you are trying to merge, putting on a turn signal up here is a sign for everyone in that lane to pass you immediately. You have to save it for when you have an opening and hit them with a surprise merge


madtho t1_iwhbh39 wrote

Driving box trucks in NYC my buddy always said “You’re giving privileged information to the enemy!”


BlaineTog t1_iwh4328 wrote

Hilldale, 1955, clearly. Or possibly Narnia, if someone lost a wardrobe off the side of their truck.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwhim3e wrote

I was taught way back when (2000) to put your left blinker on when merging on to the highway because it will make the cars on the highway more likely to move over for you. No idea if that's true or not.


[deleted] t1_iwg8jv7 wrote

My mom yelled at me after I got my license that I wasn’t doing it and I told her this very question, I’m not going anywhere, and my drivers ed instructor never taught me that