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itsmyhotsauce t1_iwerrrc wrote

Honestly snowy days aren't that cold. It needs to be like 30-34 to snow. Shit gets waaay colder than that.

Side note: I don't do shorts below 55F


msmasshole OP t1_iwet7yh wrote

The first few snow days are cold but totally once we keep the snow it’s like an insulator (I stop wearing shorts around 60 degrees)


endofthered01674 t1_iwesdxj wrote

The first sign I got old was not wearing shorts in snowy weather anymore.


Dreadedtrash t1_iwij0gw wrote

This. Once I hit about 35 I had to buy some jeans for cold weather.


wkomorow t1_iwesnvf wrote

It is not really a fashion statement unless you are also wearing flip flops all winter.


NoMoLerking t1_iwgb2ks wrote

Holding an extra extra Cumby’s lahge iced coffee.


wkomorow t1_iwgcscg wrote

You must live in a college town too! Middle of January, the kids heading off to morning class.


Upside_Down-Bot t1_iwesotq wrote

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CLS4L t1_iwetc9c wrote

Who got the ac out the basement this weekend thanks a lot


Jason3383 t1_iweu1da wrote

A ll bean winter coat, shorts and flip flops. Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


RedPandaActual t1_iwgozzt wrote

When did LL Bean stop being good? All their clothing falls apart on me now, I stopped buying any of it.


ta_premed103472 t1_iwhxkxm wrote

They stopped their lifetime return policy a while ago and now quality started to tank.


CleverCat57 t1_iwf2aoc wrote

Shorts and construction boots


t_11 t1_iwf2xps wrote

And Ice coffee


Ok-Lengthiness446 t1_iwew03i wrote

Only put the storm windows down today. Had the windows open til bedtime and the heat off til last night.

Edit: In Berkshire county


donkeyduplex t1_iwgav5j wrote

My kid keeps demanding to wear shorts. Sweetie it's 23 degrees and you have a field trip to the statehouse, you will thank me later.


PantherBrewery t1_iwfuomn wrote

Still have a few storm windows to close. As if 26F isn't a good enough reason. For the record, I never wear shorts in public at any time. I like my neighbors.


DaPoole420 t1_iwfx9i9 wrote

Shorts and Med iced dunks coffee black .. only way to roll


splendid-west t1_iwgbqbg wrote

Winter shorts wearers are filling up Pride gas stations everywhere right now in preparation for the “snow.”


MayaIngenue t1_iwgbwzb wrote

Time to break out my Winter Crocs


Warren_Haynes t1_iwge5q5 wrote

We don't quite consider this location Massachusetts, let alone Mass-holes :)


RedPandaActual t1_iwgp3lb wrote

How come?


Warren_Haynes t1_iwgsmi2 wrote

I'm totally joking but us on the east side of Massachusetts basically view MA ending in Worcester. Sometimes Springfield/Amherst gets the nod but people joke that Adams and Pittsfield area is basically just "upstate" New York.


RedPandaActual t1_iwgu3a8 wrote

Well yea, Boston only likes the people west of 495 for their tax money and water. Makes sense.


BiosEthereal t1_iwhly3g wrote

Can confirm... Masshole born n raised. I just moved to lower NY from MA, after doin a 10 year stint in NH. I'm still wearin' a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops no socks everwhere, and everyone else is wearing their puffer and boots. The locals ain't ready for me yet.


sharpedm t1_iwi5zil wrote

I’m wearing shorts today lmao


Sayoria t1_iwibahk wrote

My father, even when there's mounds of snow out, is always in shorts. I've never seen him with his knees covered.


funkygrrl t1_iwiuzhm wrote

Username checks out ;)


noodle-face t1_iwj1zdd wrote

2 to 4 inches is nothing


funsk8mom t1_iwjdcg4 wrote

My 16yo lives in shorts. The only time he puts pants on is when he goes skiing because he doesn’t like the feeling of snow pants on his legs