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Clollin OP t1_j0xytv8 wrote

Good point, but some of us don't like to drive before we go for a walk or run. And I'd much rather look at houses than at woods.


bubalusarnee t1_j0yek9k wrote

>Good point, but some of us don't like to drive before we go for a walk or run.

It's good when some of us realize life is not a Burger King and we don't always get it just our way.

Sounds like you don't like where you live.

Rather than expecting everyone else AND the buildings to change to suit, maybe you should be somewhere with roads and buildings you like, arranged as you prefer?

Not being mean, just, maybe you should live somewhere else?


Clollin OP t1_j1injx3 wrote

Due to my fixation on sidewalks, I drove discussion in this thread away from my main point, which was whether suburbs are in state leadership's view of the future, or only Boston (and maybe Worcester, etc).

However, I just came back from my walk, and I don't see your point. I lived in Mukilteo, WA which has perfect sidewalks everywhere. I prefer it here. However, the only downside is the god-awful sidewalks. However, we know how to make nice sidewalks. Just look at Mukilteo. Even here, suburban strip malls have flawless concrete sidewalks. So it's not impossible in Massachusetts. We just need to do it.

I'd make like a resourceful Ukrainian and learn to re-pave the road myself*, but that's against the law.

*(Ukrainian television put out a video about how Russians, which I am ethnically, just complain about their built environment while Ukrainians go and fix it themselves. I'd love to be like a Ukrainian in that regard if the laws allowed, but at this point in MA I'd just get arrested probably.)


Current-Photo2857 t1_j0xzbi6 wrote

And that falls under the “To each his own” category, people like me hate walking by houses, especially if you’re outside your normal neighborhood/route, if you’re among strangers it’s like you’re an intruder. I’d much rather be out in nature…which leads to another point about sidewalks. Depending on what suburb you’re taking about, many areas don’t have sidewalks because the houses are sooooo spread out with plenty of trees and other nature between them.