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WinsingtonIII t1_iyn04p7 wrote

I'm neutral on hunting as an activity, I don't care if people hunt. But it's disingenuous to act like hunting is the same as other outdoor activities like hiking or mountain biking in terms of the potential danger it can pose to other people. Obviously most hunters are very responsible, but there is always the potential for something to go wrong when a weapon is involved that can kill at range and the hobby occurs in the woods where it can be hard to tell what you are seeing due to trees and undergrowth.

A hobby like that is going to get regulated more strictly than hobbies that do not involve weapons that can kill people and animals at range, even if by accident. And it seems fair to give people one day per weekend to be able to walk in the woods without worrying about those accidents occurring. But I get you disagree and that's fine.


vggzya13 t1_iypsneq wrote

How much do you pay per year for wildlands upkeep...


Wildwoodywoodpecker t1_iyyu1uv wrote

More hikers die from hiking every year than hikers that die from hunting. People get run over by cars too.