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butthatwasbefore t1_iyra70k wrote

Why so angry? I do understand that the fees for hunting go towards conservation efforts, and while I personally have zero desire to hunt, I also understand the need for it. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I do not walk in the woods during hunting season which certainly limits my enjoyment of the outdoors, so yes, I think non-hunters should have a day when we can enjoy the woods. I also understand your frustration with people who don’t take precautions by at least wearing an orange vest to alert hunters they are not prey. (Plus some of them are so damn loud, no one can enjoy the silence in the woods). Everyone has a price they pay, you with increased hunting and fishing fees, non-hunters with a lack of safe access. No one ever said life is fair.


BabyApeShit t1_iyrdy5h wrote

Not mad, but you all act as if you are walking through the south side of Chicago when it’s hunting season. The facts are, the majority of the hunters in the woods are not in places that hikers are. Hunters prefer to be as far away from hikers or hiking trails as possible. No one wants to hunt a spot that will be interrupted by someone stomping through the woods. Certainly there are areas where mixed recreational use between hikers and hunters exist. Not saying accidents haven’t happened, but the rate of those instances are so minimal. You are more likely to be struck by a bullet while minding your business in Boston. Whether you all want to believe it or not, non-hunters harass hunters so frequently it’s insane, especially in liberal leaning massachusetts. That’s why there are hunter harassment laws on the books. They will steal trail cameras/stands, leave threatening notes on your vehicle, call the police on hunters when they are 100% following the law just bc they don’t agree with hunting. There are plenty of trail systems and nature preserves that don’t allow hunting which hikers can use. Tell me…what financial contributions do hikers make to preservation, habitat improvements, trail improvements, rescue services? They don’t pay any license fees that contribute to this, hunters and fisherman do.


Wildwoodywoodpecker t1_iyyukcq wrote

There’s so much land that’s off limits to hunting. Entire towns that ban hunting. It’s not like you’re quarantined to your house