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PuritanSettler1620 t1_iympbac wrote

Idiot hunters want to spend time wearing stupid orange and freezing their nose off instead of with their families. SAD!


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_iympsbr wrote


I like having A day during the week when I'm not woken up by gunshots at the ass crack of dawn. Annoying AF.


WinsingtonIII t1_iymq4tb wrote

Giving people who don’t hunt one day per weekend where they can hike in the woods without worrying about being accidentally shot at seems like a good thing we should keep.


UniWheel t1_iymr7wo wrote

>Because kids can't do hunting

You'd be wrong, both as a matter of law and of tradition. There are even some reserved youth-only days in the season, though they're not restricted to that.

Chances are most multi-generational hunters grew up doing so with their parents.

Apparently in MA you need to be 12, and you need to be accompanied by an adult (1 per child) age 12-14, at 15 you need your own hunting license.

And no, FYI I've never gone hunting. But it's useful to have at least a vague idea of how things going on around oneself work, even if not interested in participating.


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_iymshtu wrote

Eesh. Not everybody considers Sunday the sabbath. In fact, even Christian used to have it on Saturday. I agree that everyone deserves a day off to spend as they see fit & I do mean everyone. That's why we keep a day hunting free.... so I can sleep till my kid jumps on me at 7am


MechanicalBirbs t1_iymwv19 wrote

They have literally have the entire year to do that. Hunters have two weeks. Most hunters can only hunt on the weekends, since you know, having a job and such. This an insanely classist policy and the only reason it still exists is because “hunting bad”.

Not to mention that hunter’s licensing actually goes back into the parks and WMA’s, so they are actually paying for the upkeep, while hikers do nothing of the sort.

Fuck this bs law. Let people do their hobby.


WinsingtonIII t1_iymz1py wrote

Hunters get every other day of the week. I don't see what the big deal is, especially since hiking as a hobby doesn't inconvenience the general population whereas hunting as a hobby can impact other people trying to do outdoor activities. Pick a hobby that doesn't involve shooting at things with a deadly weapon, which has the potential to endanger other people, if you want free reign to do it whenever and wherever. Obviously a hobby that involves a weapon that can harm other people is going to be regulated more than walking in the woods.

Also what are you even talking about regarding two weeks? Deer shotgun season is relatively short but there are many other seasons. Various bird seasons span much of October and November (which is prime hiking weather around here), bear is most of September and November, things like bobcat and coyote are open basically all winter. There are other things like hare and other animals I'm not listing here that happen in parts of fall, spring, and winter. So it's definitely not just two weeks per year that this impacts people. It's months of the year, summer is the only time that isn't really impacted by hunting.


MechanicalBirbs t1_iymzkec wrote

You just don’t like hunting. That’s all. You aren’t arguing in good faith here and you ignored by point that most hunters can’t hunt in days they work.

You literally don’t care. Your entire logic is “if its bad for hunters, im for it”.


WinsingtonIII t1_iyn04p7 wrote

I'm neutral on hunting as an activity, I don't care if people hunt. But it's disingenuous to act like hunting is the same as other outdoor activities like hiking or mountain biking in terms of the potential danger it can pose to other people. Obviously most hunters are very responsible, but there is always the potential for something to go wrong when a weapon is involved that can kill at range and the hobby occurs in the woods where it can be hard to tell what you are seeing due to trees and undergrowth.

A hobby like that is going to get regulated more strictly than hobbies that do not involve weapons that can kill people and animals at range, even if by accident. And it seems fair to give people one day per weekend to be able to walk in the woods without worrying about those accidents occurring. But I get you disagree and that's fine.


butthatwasbefore t1_iyn0j7n wrote

It’s the only day I can take a walk in the woods without worrying about hunters. I vote no.


Seaworthiness222 t1_iyn15kn wrote

I was a hunter. I also had a friend who lost her elderly mom (in Massachusetts) when a hunter killed her while she was hanging out her laundry on her back porch. No punishment.

Dont be a fucking asshole who thinks it's the ONLY hobby.

I also like hiking. I like having a day where I can bring out my dogs in the woods in the yard without worrying if he gets shot by a hunter.


UniWheel t1_iyn1agz wrote

>Hunters have two weeks.

For some hunting types, yes. Hunting seasons for other animals are much longer, in cases even year round.

Allowing Sunday hunting during two Sunday of (shotgun deer season?) could perhaps be a workable compromise, if all other Sundays stayed safe for woodland recreation.

But there's already a communication problem with a lot of the non-hunting public not knowing when the seasons are, and allowing hunting on two Sundays of the year would only further complicate that.

Frankly it's the bird seasons that cause more hassle to many of us who recreate in the woods, because they start when its still warm enough out to be doing a lot of that.


siwmasas t1_iyn7489 wrote

I'm not against meat eating. Nor am I against hunting for survival. But there is nowhere in this state where you need to hunt to survive. I don't trust police with guns let alone some redneck twat with a gun. fuck that. If you get pleasure out of killing an animal you should be in a mental institute.


siwmasas t1_iyn7rej wrote

Absolutely, no argument from me there. But factory farms aren't going around the state shooting at whatever they deem shootable. That doesn't mean we should allow hunting for sport, nor does that mean I condone the treatment of animals in factory farms. Two wrongs don't make a right


ooStayFrostyoo t1_iynejrm wrote

With hunters supporting the financial weight of WMAs I think they should at the very least open Sundays to archery. Although I’d love to be able to hunt waterfowl on Sunday’s as well.


WinsingtonIII t1_iynfa0u wrote

No, they are being very misleading in their argument. They are probably just talking about deer season, which is only a couple weeks.

But there are many other seasons for different animals. When you add them all up there are months that are impacted by hunting, not just the two weeks for deer. Most of fall and winter have some sort of hunting season open.


Seaworthiness222 t1_iyngdy9 wrote

Deer season isn't only a couple weeks. It goes from Oct 4 to Dec 31. Then Jan 1st - crow and rabbit. And bobcat and coyote. Then Turkey and bobcat. Basically the only time that there isn't is the summer.


WinsingtonIII t1_iynh1v7 wrote

I guess I misread it, or maybe I was just looking at shotgun season for deer.

Either way, that's my point. No idea why they are acting like it's only two weeks, hunting impacts people doing outdoor activities for a significant portion of the year.


BabyApeShit t1_iyp1ay4 wrote

Leave her alone! She eats meat full of hormones and genetically modified feed, killed humanely in a slaughter house! And guys, there is NOWHERE in this state where you need to hunt to survive. There is no one on welfare and food stamps in massachusetts!!!

Get your head outta your ass lady. As if screaming on Reddit shouldn’t warrant your institution. Crack pot.


BabyApeShit t1_iyp36vx wrote

Fine. You get Sunday, no hunting! But I would like to pass legislation to outlaw hiking on Saturday. I’d like one day without having to see the yuppies in their patagonia in the woods. Deal?

Oh, did you also see the significant increase in hunting license costs? Since I can’t hunt Sunday’s, I vote for that to be repealed. Seems fair to me.

Apparently none of you realize that a major source of funding for conservation land, habitat management, and educational programs comes from hunting and fishing licenses.

“MassWildlife’s efforts to conserve fish and wildlife for the benefit of all citizens relies heavily on the revenue generated from fishing and hunting licenses, yet less than 5% of Massachusetts residents fish, hunt, or trap.”

Y’all should start thanking your hunters and fisherman.


tahitidreams t1_iyp5gro wrote

This is allowed in every other state except for 11 with no issues.


butthatwasbefore t1_iyra70k wrote

Why so angry? I do understand that the fees for hunting go towards conservation efforts, and while I personally have zero desire to hunt, I also understand the need for it. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I do not walk in the woods during hunting season which certainly limits my enjoyment of the outdoors, so yes, I think non-hunters should have a day when we can enjoy the woods. I also understand your frustration with people who don’t take precautions by at least wearing an orange vest to alert hunters they are not prey. (Plus some of them are so damn loud, no one can enjoy the silence in the woods). Everyone has a price they pay, you with increased hunting and fishing fees, non-hunters with a lack of safe access. No one ever said life is fair.


BabyApeShit t1_iyrdy5h wrote

Not mad, but you all act as if you are walking through the south side of Chicago when it’s hunting season. The facts are, the majority of the hunters in the woods are not in places that hikers are. Hunters prefer to be as far away from hikers or hiking trails as possible. No one wants to hunt a spot that will be interrupted by someone stomping through the woods. Certainly there are areas where mixed recreational use between hikers and hunters exist. Not saying accidents haven’t happened, but the rate of those instances are so minimal. You are more likely to be struck by a bullet while minding your business in Boston. Whether you all want to believe it or not, non-hunters harass hunters so frequently it’s insane, especially in liberal leaning massachusetts. That’s why there are hunter harassment laws on the books. They will steal trail cameras/stands, leave threatening notes on your vehicle, call the police on hunters when they are 100% following the law just bc they don’t agree with hunting. There are plenty of trail systems and nature preserves that don’t allow hunting which hikers can use. Tell me…what financial contributions do hikers make to preservation, habitat improvements, trail improvements, rescue services? They don’t pay any license fees that contribute to this, hunters and fisherman do.


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_iytijzb wrote

Mass is a pretty small state. Are 2 of the other states CT & RI. The problem with living in small states is that when you shoot, everyone can hear it. Everyone deserves to have thier fun & enjoy life as they see fit. But not when that infringes on the rights of others who only want the same. You can hunt 6 days a week. From dawn till dusk. That's about a half hour before & after sun-up & down, if I'm not mistaken. Why should a person have to be woken up by gunshots every single day during the season, before the sun is up. You can't even start loud yard equipment till 7am.