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nayrcire OP t1_j1m83a5 wrote

Thanks for the response, you’re definitely right to a degree, but I start a decent paying job tomorrow and plan to pay this down pretty soon. The tattoo was cheap and the weed was 6 months ago, and I didn’t even end up paying for it, I got it from my boss, but fair points! Believe it or not I haven’t applied for any assistance like SNAP or utilities programs because I believe there are people who need it more than I do. That being said, just curious on whether or not I need to come up with $300 for a minimum payment within the next 48 hours. It seems as though they will not shut me off so I think I’m gonna hope for the best and not pay it yet.


7573 t1_j1mq1ql wrote

Congrats on the new gig! Sorry for not knowing how long ago that was, I just peaked because having worked in the field sometimes people post things (like what city they're in) which helps.

If I was in your boat I would call and offer anything, even fifty bucks. But yeah, for the moment shut offs are suspended so you're good.

Good luck on the next gig!!!