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Another_Reddit OP t1_j1x58zs wrote

Reply to comment by mctrix3 in Greenfield by Another_Reddit

A lot of love for easthampton here! It’s a bit far for our commute right now but perhaps in the future. It’s nice to hear Greenfield is on the up though, it does seem like there’s room for growth but there’s a nice base of little shops and entertainment.


DernKala1975 t1_j1xntzc wrote

I’ll just say… Greenfield has been “on the up” for probably the last 40 years. I think it’s questionable as to whether it will ever really change. This is not a knock on Greenfield by any means! It has its positives for sure, it’s a nice little town and I know people that live there and love it. Just don’t want you to move there with the impression that it is likely to change much in the near future.


irishgypsy1960 t1_j1yyf1u wrote

I lived in amherst for decades and I had a much different impression of greenfield 15 years ago than now. Your comment is interesting to me. I have been thinking for several years that greenfield will be the next east Hampton. During COVID hawks and reed partnered w signature sounds, bringing new bigger acts, and patrons from northampton and beyond. And I’ve met many from amherst who sold there and moved to greenfield. Also, greenfield has excellent aging services with lifepath in town and the new door to door micro transit. I think the influx during COVID will have a big influence.