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badhaircut22 t1_iyw1kji wrote

Only thing about Norwood i could come up with us there aren’t exactly any new houses being built there. Just a ton of houses from the 60’s and 70’s for sale


ThatDudeThatWrites t1_iyw1v02 wrote

There aren't really any new houses being built anywhere in MA. At least nothing affordable. My house is so old it wasn't even insulated when we bought it lol. If you're looking to buy something, brace yourself to either pay through the nose or to compromise, compromise, compromise!


badhaircut22 t1_iyw2o6w wrote

I’m still in my starter home with 150k left on the mortgage and I refinanced 1.5 years ago(2.99%) it’s valued around 500k now. I’m guessing when the housing markets crashes I’ll still have good enough equity to heloc a nice down payment for my next home and rent this or just sell all together. Currently in East Bwater there are just zero amenities here no services. Great place if you want to have a small farm and goats but I need more a city vibe.


ThatDudeThatWrites t1_iyw31wt wrote

I imagine it'd be harder to rent something out there than it would be to sell it, but nonetheless sounds like you're in a good position. If I were you I'd look to Dedham or Canton. They're both just a smidge more convenient to get to, imo. All three are very similar.


badhaircut22 t1_iyw4s54 wrote

Not really into dedham that much and I think canton is even more pricey than Norwood either way let’s see if the market even crashes lol