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dennydelirium t1_j21bzr7 wrote

I feel like the only people who get that angry at pharmacists are the ones getting narcotics. I saw a guy push over a shelf because they didn't have his Adderall.


not-my-fault-alt t1_j21f3qa wrote

First, Adderall is not a narcotic. It is a controlled substance. One of the main things it is prescribed for is adhd. Adhd can cause emotional disregulation when untreated. There has been a national Shortage of Adderall, with little to no information going to patients. Going off these meds cold turkey can cause increased symptoms. People who need these medications to function are being told 'sorry no luck, try back tomorrow ' they are rationing medications so they don't lose their jobs.

All that said, there is no excuse for treating customer service workers poorly for things out of their control.


beeinabearcostume t1_j21i8a3 wrote

Also most pharmacists won’t tell you who has the medication in stock (my usual person will, which I appreciate greatly but depending on the day someone else will be there), so you basically have to take time off bringing the script from pharmacy to pharmacy hoping somebody has it. No excuse to treat people terribly but if you’ve come to your 6th pharmacy that doesn’t have it in stock and still aren’t being told where you can fill your medication, that’s a pretty frustrating situation.


Fun_Woodpecker_3405 t1_j22hem5 wrote

With adderall because of the shortage it has changed, I used to never tell people if we had opioids or ADHD meds in stock bc they are the most highly regulated, but bc of the national backorder/shortage, we do tell patients now if we have them in stock at our pharmacy, but not at other CVS locations like other drugs.


Fun_Woodpecker_3405 t1_j21f4rx wrote

This is true to some degree, but ADHD med patients tend to be much less aggressive compared to benzo (xanax, lorazepan) and opioid patients esp middle aged women on benzos can be downright aggressive and swear at me when they can't get xanax bc they are requesting a week ahead of time. `

I don't have many issues with aderrall/vyvanse/ritalin patients tbh.

Opioid patients tend to have the same issue, but will usually request to pay out of pocket of or beg me to fill their prescriptions. They try to find any way to get their prescription, and I've had situations where they were punching my registers.

We actually have a story of a woman who was throwing rocks at our drive thru window bc she couldn't get her morphine lol.

Suboxone patients are usually fine, but have had some very bad cases. One patient tried to full on fight one of my techs one time cuz "they looked at him the wrong way" , another just started screaming saying "f*** you man, my brother is gonna kill me , called his brother , and his brother said "I'll f him up" on speaker and I heard that-that one was very bad and I actually called the cops when he walked out and they stood guard waiting for him. He comes in the store and just starts swearing like crazy in front of the cop, starts punching the registers, and was swiftly apprehended. Turns out he was driving on a suspended license, had heroin in his car, and also had an illegal firearm. I don't normally search up patients, but he had a pretty insane rapsheet with run in from the law since he was 18 and he's 30 now. Has faced multiple gun/roberry/drug charges and has been in jail multiple occasions.

Another wasn't dangerous, but he walked into our pharmacy at 10 PM smoking cigarretes in the store, and saw lolipops and started munching on them like crazy and his body was spazzing like crazy.. My tech sold him syringes and suboxone,and he had ODd in the bathroom at our store maybe 10 minutes later. I was sussed out so I told the front store to keep an eye on him, and when he went into the bathroom after 10 minutes, we knocked on the door , and unlocked it, and he was passed out with the needle in his arm. Thank god he lived.

Birth control patients can be pretty mad if we need a new script, but they never get aggressive.

Some older people who have clear dementia can scream at us , but they are more a threat to themselves than to us.

And they we have other crazies who are just always aholes whenever they come in.


Murky_side_ t1_j21y18m wrote

As a former benzo-taking patient who had suffered multiple times due to CVS's fuck ups, while being mocked during a panic attack: fuck you for your assumptions.

e: btw, it's lorazepaM, and I guess fuck my epileptic friend who takes that too, eh?


Fun_Woodpecker_3405 t1_j22gvad wrote

Benzos are a super common script, and I don't have hatred towards anyone who takes them, just from my experience and my techs' experience, in general benzos were the common denominator in middle aged women swearing and lashing out as us.

They are heavily controlled, and I apologize for my assumptions, but as someone whose spent years in pharmacy, in general controlled medications tended to be where the majority of lashing outs happened.


Murky_side_ t1_j22jyuc wrote

So great to know you just generalize people based on their medications (especially for a "super common script"). Really nice to know the kind of judgement going on behind the counter there. No surprise at all, and I'm gonna go move my scripts from my local CVS now.