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beeinabearcostume t1_j21i8a3 wrote

Also most pharmacists won’t tell you who has the medication in stock (my usual person will, which I appreciate greatly but depending on the day someone else will be there), so you basically have to take time off bringing the script from pharmacy to pharmacy hoping somebody has it. No excuse to treat people terribly but if you’ve come to your 6th pharmacy that doesn’t have it in stock and still aren’t being told where you can fill your medication, that’s a pretty frustrating situation.


Fun_Woodpecker_3405 t1_j22hem5 wrote

With adderall because of the shortage it has changed, I used to never tell people if we had opioids or ADHD meds in stock bc they are the most highly regulated, but bc of the national backorder/shortage, we do tell patients now if we have them in stock at our pharmacy, but not at other CVS locations like other drugs.