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Murky_side_ t1_j21y18m wrote

As a former benzo-taking patient who had suffered multiple times due to CVS's fuck ups, while being mocked during a panic attack: fuck you for your assumptions.

e: btw, it's lorazepaM, and I guess fuck my epileptic friend who takes that too, eh?


Fun_Woodpecker_3405 t1_j22gvad wrote

Benzos are a super common script, and I don't have hatred towards anyone who takes them, just from my experience and my techs' experience, in general benzos were the common denominator in middle aged women swearing and lashing out as us.

They are heavily controlled, and I apologize for my assumptions, but as someone whose spent years in pharmacy, in general controlled medications tended to be where the majority of lashing outs happened.


Murky_side_ t1_j22jyuc wrote

So great to know you just generalize people based on their medications (especially for a "super common script"). Really nice to know the kind of judgement going on behind the counter there. No surprise at all, and I'm gonna go move my scripts from my local CVS now.