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squarerootofapplepie t1_iyybf9g wrote

This happened to me at Chipotle once, my card was declining and the woman behind me who was there with her son paid for me. I think MA has a perfect mix of impatience, philanthropy, and money for this to happen.


zhiryst t1_iyym1ev wrote

Hey fuck you you're slowing the line down, here I'll just pay for it I'm hungry. Yeah whatever you're welcome.


EnoughIdeas t1_iyys6xe wrote

Nice, loud and crass is how I think of this state. "why do you take care of someone?" "you fucking retaaaad it's what you fucking do"

from traveling what I learned is northerns are kinder, louder and more agressive and the polite southerners using all the right polite words are the most cruel people you'll meet.


[deleted] t1_iyyf1vf wrote

I think you nailed the trifecta. It's nice to be able to pay for a problem to solve itself so quickly.


80sGhostProtocol t1_iz08v38 wrote

There's a video floating around comparing East coast to West coast mindset. East coast I thinking meaning north east. West coast is nice but not kind, and east coast is kind but not necessarily nice.

They go on to explain that a nice person will see your flat tire and say "I'm so sorry, that's too bad." but not do anything about it.

But and east coaster would say "You idiot, you got a flat tire? Move I'll change it, so you don't fuck it up." and then change your tire.

I'm new to the area but so far... I think this might be accurate. Though I've met TONS and majority of people and they're really nice AND kind.

I'm sure you can find the video somewhere online. What are your thoughts? Is this true?


queenofhaunting t1_iz0t92q wrote

been helped out on the roads by kind people many times. the other winter a couple pulled over and towed my car out of the snow for me in the middle of the night. i don’t even know their names.