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Midlevelcreepkills t1_iz5uwvv wrote

So with hindsight, was not getting the jab worth it? lol


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz5vz1h wrote

Never been sick, never tested positive, have a clear conscience, and have a sound soul. It was never a matter of getting or not getting the "jab,"; but I don't expect you to understand my relationship with god.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_iz5zk1i wrote

What is the scripture for not getting a Covid vax again?

Trump 1:6?


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz60w3g wrote

Another ignorant assumption on Reddit, shocker...

Never voted for Trump but it sounds like that loser I still renting space in your head, seek help


MoreGuitarPlease t1_iz610gz wrote

What religion is antivax? You have had no vaccines ever?


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz62ht8 wrote

I was in the military I have far more vaccines than you could comprehend. It's not about vaccines..
I have faith and trust in god first. When I ask for guidance and receive it, I do not defy it.
If your looking for verses on trust
Jeremiah 17:5
Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns
away from the Lord

Matthew 19:26

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Jeremiah 9:6

You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.

I know ill be alright in the end, so your rhetoric doesn't bother me. I'm just exploring avenues, clearly, this isn't the place, but it motivates me to see people this lost and miserable, I now know I chose the right path


MoreGuitarPlease t1_iz62tzv wrote

I am a war vet myself. Once again, which religion bans vaccines? You’re full of shit. You claimed religious exemption. So which religion? Personal beliefs?


[deleted] OP t1_iz63w3u wrote



MoreGuitarPlease t1_iz6516v wrote

I’m pretty sure that’s out as he was military and a cop. Can’t cut your hair as a Rasta and cant smoke weed in military or as a cop. (Although my former weed guy is a guard at Walpole Prison lol, so we know that cops don’t follow the law.)


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz64j00 wrote

I don't think you're grasping the concept here.

You putting context where it doesn't belong. My religion, like almost all others, is putting your faith/belief in god. If I'm unsure of what direction to go, I seek guidance from god and hope I'm relieved answers. I prayed for guidance, and time and time again, I was told to put my trust in god and not in man. Simple as that. I did not trust science; I trusted my heart, soul, and god to take care of me, and he has. Despite thousands of direct exposures, family in healthcare, and hundreds of tests, I have never caught it, nor has my direct family. You can preach bullshit, luck, miracle, or whatever, but that's the truth, I never stayed home, I only masked when required I tested weekly for several months. There isn't much you can say to refute my experiences.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_iz6589r wrote

You’re not going to win with me dude.

You’re not entitled to a religious exemption.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz65pwe wrote

That's your opinion, I'm not trying to win you over, under law it says quite different though, its just a matter of time


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iz5zoh5 wrote

You probably could've gotten a way more sympathetic audience if you just said you'd left your state job and didn't specify you're a prison guard who got fired for refusing a vaccine that was no problem for over 90% of adults in this state.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz60jxr wrote

not a guard *eye roll
Apparently, you don't know that DOC employees have hundreds of different career paths, including maintenance, administration, education, religious, and recreation persons *Eye Roll*
Nice assumption, though, I could draw parallels between the majority and their decisions but I doubt rational thoughts and statistical probability is your strong suit


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iz63h5l wrote

I like how you skipped to the technicality of wrong job title and missed the point of loudly announcing this change in jobs was the consequence of your own actions and something that most people find pretty unsympathetic.

I'm done arguing about the logic for or against vaccines. It's just remarkable that our society had the easiest character test in human history and the people who willingly failed it can't stop screaming about that. Future psychology classes are probably going to be entirely devoted to analyzing that shit.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz66hsh wrote

Yes, there's a little book called the Art of contrary thinking. I suggest you read it. There are consequences for all actions and inaction; therefore, if I were to cherry-pick a statement, it says that's the most illogical. Unless you're trying to state the obvious, then bravo, Captain. Your argument was weak and highlighted your bias and ignorance, but we are all sometimes guilty of that so I forgive you


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iz5v6ao wrote

I’m not clear how religion factored into you being fired, maybe you were using religion to discriminate against gays?

Oh. Ugh. I see your comments now.


edit to remove suggestions and reflect other comments.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz5wj38 wrote

I prayed for answers over getting or not getting that vaccine; I was told clear as day to wait and that I would be protected. I prayed for guidance in writing my religious exemption. I ended up writing three pages with several quotes from the bible, which is considered philosophical te the state and therefore not worthy of exemption.


somegridplayer t1_iz5xhb3 wrote

> I ended up writing three pages with several quotes from the bible

Maybe that wasn't the best idea.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz5ybxi wrote

Let's hear your idea.


kissmekate48 t1_iz614kp wrote

Thinking instead of praying. Sorry.


somegridplayer t1_iz636wy wrote



Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz658km wrote

One and the same, our entire modern existence is thanks to "sky daddy" it's on our money, it's in our traditions, and whether you want to believe or not, you're living in a world of the belief in god.


somegridplayer t1_iz6g62z wrote

Well sky daddy said it was time for you to find a new job clearly.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz6gmrq wrote

Won’t argue that, he was right. I would just like the money back I paid into the system, before next tax season, in some timely manner. Instead of them holding it 9 months in investments that are declining daily for me to get taxed twice as hard next year when it doubles my income


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iz9p998 wrote

Since god told you he will protect you, when god is ready, you will get your money. No need to ask reddit for ways to subvert god’s intentions for you. You can just wait and pray on it. That’ll work. /s


[deleted] OP t1_iz6t6yq wrote



Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz6u9pt wrote

This literally has nothing to do with the State withholding money I invested in a system I cannot participate in. Are you so dense you cannot see the underline issue here has nothing to do with vaccines or religion


SouthShoreSerenade t1_iz5zw5b wrote

You know, I have never gotten religious on Reddit, not in a decade, but I'm going to for a sec. See, when I talk to God, He tells me to do what's right for other people. God tells me that if I have an opportunity to protect others that I need to do it. A little sacrifice here to better others there, that sort of thing. I guess we're praying to different Gods. Mine doesn't have time for my ego, nor do I want Him to.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz62wpd wrote

You do understand god gives people different messages. God told me he would protect me and others if I trusted. I DC about a vaccine. I got a hundred of them, but I was never steered away from any other. These are my trials, therefore don't judge the splinter in ones eye when you have a plank in your own


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz5vfp6 wrote

I have no sympathy for cops or cop accessories so you get what you deserve pal :D


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz5y7mh wrote

I wasn't a cop and was well respected amongst the incarcerated; they begged me to take the shot.


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz5z3ba wrote

>I wasn't a cop

You also lack reading comprehension

>and was well respected amongst the incarcerated

I'm sure Joe Arpaio thinks he's well respected too.

>they begged me to take the shot

Do you expect anyone to read this and not think you're a sociopath?


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz5zo5k wrote

Coming from the account that posts anti-semite comments everywhere


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz60wgh wrote

[citation needed]


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz638j4 wrote

Did you copy and paste that comment from your other post, you know we can see your comment history right?


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz63ol8 wrote

I think you skimmed my comment history and saw the word "Jews" once and started screaming antisemitism. Now, kindly tell me where I'm being antisemetic you fuckin retard lmao


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz65ix4 wrote

As an antisemite would stay, nice back peddling, you're still guilty, night try though Kanye


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz65vdt wrote

You still have no source. You still can not point to one single comment. Put down the crack pipe and get on with it, the entire crowd is squatting on the edge of their seat with anticipation.


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz66i82 wrote

Speaking of post history, this thread is the third time you've ever posted on Reddit, but you seem to have quite an affinity with how this site works. What is it that you're hiding? Perhaps the dumb ass shit you're accusing me of is the same shit you say at the dinner table.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz66s8l wrote

I prefer twitter, but there are too many of your kind on their lately


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz679kn wrote

Cry about it, snowflake.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz67ry4 wrote

There it is, the Pro-Trump, anti-Semite comes out to reveal itself. Did you get the vax to blend in with the crowd despite what your hateful hurd worships


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz680pq wrote

I'm a communist you fuckin retard. You'd know that if you had actually read my posts


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz684we wrote

so isn't Trump, you have a lot in common


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz68gvz wrote

I feel like I'm having a stroke reading this post


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz68msp wrote

that means its working


[deleted] OP t1_iz6a5r9 wrote



Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz6b3ib wrote

Ha, trolling you is entertaining. I think reading comprehension courses should be a future consideration for you. I don't have to cite my sources or follow APA format; this is Reddit, not a college paper. Anyone concerned can simply do their own due diligence and read through your history; I'm not doing the work for them. If they're that lazy, then they probably don't care enough to begin with. You further demonstrate your lack of intellect by correlating Low IQ and infertility when statistically lower IQ individuals have more children. But hey, the more you know.


AdmirablePiccolo t1_iz6oir9 wrote

Jesus Christ you have autism lmao


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz6qcvj wrote

Autism spectrum disorder is no laughing matter; my neurodevelopmental disability isn't a factor in this discussion, but disability discrimination should be classified as a hate crime.
I don't care about religion, vaccines or politics TBH
I'd just like the money I paid into a system that I'm not allowed to participate in back, yeah, know, before I'm doubled taxed next year, or the economy further crashes, or inflation eats it up.
Then I can settle in some "low IQ" community with like-minded individuals who all mind their own business and do not infringe on each other ideological or religious beliefs.


downwardspiralstairs t1_iz624jh wrote

Get in contact with your statehouse representative and have them help you.


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz6um4f wrote

Bots will literally read vaccines or religion and go on some scripted hive-mind dialog and miss the point if you have a government pension or retirement they can decide to pay you back the money you vested whenever they want


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz698bn wrote

Despite all the haters turning this into a vaccine post and completely disgrading the subject matter here. These State agencies are broken and hold a double standard.
If they claim refunds in 4-8 weeks but hold out eight months, there should be repercussions, especially when it comes to them holding others money in depreciating accounts


potus1001 t1_iz6hx9l wrote

I wouldn’t refer to them as depreciating accounts. You’re receiving interest on your account balance, so you will be compensated for the length of time your funds are held with the State.

On a separate note, were you based out of Milford?


Automatic-Ad1109 t1_iz6ivgu wrote

My reference to depreciation is based on the clear decline in the overall stock market in the last 8 months and the steady incline of inflation and dollar devaluation. But I can also see my investments and they’re lower than if I had received my money anywhere near the timeframe given which I believe is reasonable. Yes Milford


BumholeDriller t1_iz61akt wrote

So much respect to you for sticking up for your beliefs


[deleted] OP t1_iz636x7 wrote

