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sneakylyric t1_j1uou1h wrote

Literally just call your school district and ask where to sign your kid up. Also it's probably on their website.


peanutbuttercandy8 OP t1_j1uqh3l wrote

That's probably what I'm going to do. But I didn't know schools had districts until one of the previous comments. Now I have a starting point.


sneakylyric t1_j1urxem wrote

Good luck. It's super annoying to register students.


ihatelettuce t1_j1uyx0k wrote

Usually it's just a one page form to register a kid. You also need paperwork before school starts (vaccinations, maybe birth certificate, proof of residency) but that's not HARD.


sneakylyric t1_j1useqc wrote

Good luck. It's super annoying to register students, so glad I'm not a social worker anymore.
