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LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j1x1w9t wrote

Yeah what I'm saying is EI should have prepared you for this prior to your move. If your kid was 2 1/2 in your previous state, they should have been working on referring him to school there. If he wasn't yet 2 1/2 and they knew you were moving, they should have provided you with his IFSP and advised you on how to establish EI services once you settled in MA and then the new EI here would have handled the school referral.

All of that is a moot point now though since he is already 3 but without services.


peanutbuttercandy8 OP t1_j1x2jjj wrote

I didn't know that. Guess they really didn't help me set anything up here. Thanks for your advice. I feel much more confident. I'll call his doctor and see if they have a standard evaluation request. If not I'll draft something to send the school.