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Sonnenblumenwiese t1_izefcxv wrote

PP is right, Cape Cod is dead in the winter - but that means the walking and hiking trails are dead too, which I love. The whites get dangerous suddenly, it's more of a concern when it's not this unseasonably warm, but I think it's something to note.


forrealz42 t1_izel4x7 wrote

I would argue it is still a very serious concern. People die up there in the summer. Someone died up there a couple of weeks ago.


BroadStreetElite t1_izfd2of wrote

My buddies were trapped in whiteout conditions in September on Mt. Washington. They were experienced and prepared and luckily the storm passed quickly but yeah those mountains are dangerous as hell outside peak summer.

I did a few mountains on the presidential range in late March and there was still feet of snow on the trail and I was in a heavy jacket and insulated pants. It was mid 70s in Massachusetts lol.


Sonnenblumenwiese t1_izfysxn wrote

I realize my tone was downplaying the level of threat, and that was not my intention. When I posted this, the only other comment was urging a white mountains hike seemingly (to me) with the tone of "it's been so warm and the mountains are more interesting" and that part of my comment was in relation to the previous poster.


bonanzapineapple t1_izhiwri wrote

Multiple people have died stranded in the Whites in the past 4-6 weeks


ggtffhhhjhg t1_iziyqjp wrote

This looks like a fit and relatively experienced man and he died from the elements.


ghostsintherafters t1_izfdhe0 wrote


The White Mountains are ALWAYS dangerous. Do your research. Keep an eye on the weather and, I cannot stress this enough, always have proper gear.

December is no time to be fucking around in the White Mountains on a day trip. A young lady perished up on one of the lesser mountain ranges just last month.

It can legit snow squall on top of Mount Washington in July and August. Do not fuck with the Whites this time of year unless you're a very experienced hiker.


Sonnenblumenwiese t1_izfyz5d wrote

>I realize my tone was downplaying the level of threat, and that was not my intention. When I posted this, the only other comment was urging a white mountains hike seemingly (to me) with the tone of "it's been so warm and the mountains are more interesting" and that part of my comment was in relation to the previous poster.