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baddspellar t1_izehs3z wrote

I hike in the whites about every other weekend throughout the winter.

As others have said, you need to know what you're doing, even for a modest hike. Trails are typically have a mix of ice and snow. Even beginner hikes require insulated boots, microspikes, and often snowshoes, plus a pack with clothing, food, headlamp, etc. You need to know how to get yourself out of trouble, as there is rarely cell coverage. There are easier and harder hikes. The Northern Presidentials and Franconia Ridge are very dangerous, and require advanced skills. I bring crampons and and ice axe for self-arrest on these hikes, and I know how to use them. Hikes like Willard or Sugarloaf are much more welcoming, but if you think sneakers are fine you shouldn't do them.