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dpm25 t1_izei94k wrote

Using land for solar, instead of housing, around the 128 belt is bananas.


AboyNamedBort t1_izex32w wrote

There is literally zero affordable housing in Lexington. The town is full of awful NIMBY's who let Boston take all the burdens.


hvdc123 t1_izhu7dl wrote

There is literally not zero affordable housing in Lexington. Not enough, I'd agree with that. But not zero as you claim. Unless you are using the term affordable in a non technical sense, in which case most places aren't affordable around Greater Boston.


person749 t1_izmx0ph wrote

> let Boston take all the burdens.

Damn, what a callous way to talk about poor people.


kyoto93 t1_izezlkv wrote

Here is a crazy idea, what if we put the solar panels on top of the houses/residential developments 🤯


Mnemon-TORreport t1_izfim4w wrote

Think of all the parking lots you could put a roof on with solar panels instead ...


wgc123 t1_izg460u wrote

No one would want land there, for any price. It’s a small piece between a power line right of way and the highway. There’s not really a place to develop an entrance nor a tiny neighborhood. It’s wasted space, so solar is a great use of it