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TheSausageKing t1_izfen1b wrote

You might not like it, but the science is clear that it's much better to cut the trees down. Mature trees don't help that much with CO2 capture and a 31 acre plot like this one will be tiny. Generously, it's 15 tons of CO2 / year. That's about the same as what 4 cars generate in a year.

Adding 31 acres of solar to a grid that's mostly fossil fuels right now, will have a much, much bigger impact.


[deleted] t1_izfio0q wrote



person749 t1_izmx670 wrote

It's nice to hear somebody else actually think of the local wildlife.


[deleted] t1_izfl4ic wrote



mini4x t1_izg5izx wrote

> This is a disused lot in Waltham.

Lexington, and there is already a powerline ROW there. so a huge swath of treeless space.