Submitted by jollysailorband t3_zg5fq3 in massachusetts


Last week, I received full funding for an MS course at UMass Dartmouth for Spring 2023. I am academically in good standing and have plenty of industry and academic research experience. Ideally, I want to apply to a few schools and wait until April before deciding. But the spring offer allows me to get out of my country immediately. I was plagued by my third-world problems throughout my education and gave my everything to come out on top. Applying to the MS, I also thought of completing it and working for a few years to do my Ph.D. with complete financial freedom, and also, I could get into a good school with the added credentials.

My question: Is $2,000 enough to subsist in Massachusetts? Accommodation is my main worry. I would greatly appreciate any tips you can give me on this. I wish I could get a private room, but I am willing to do anything as long as I get to sleep and study.

Also, my major is physics, and I have 1.5 years of industry experience in machine learning. Is it viable to secure a summer internship in Massachusetts that could help me find a placement during the OPT? I hope to find something because H1B/ Greencard sponsorship is not on my radar right now. I plan to take the Ph.D. route after working for some time and considering the EB1-A pathway if I am still interested in settling in the US.

I will not hear back from other schools where I applied for Ph.D. until April 2023. I had very promising interviews in the last few weeks, but I am tempted to take the UMass adventure, taste the American dream, and stand on my feet.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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Disenthalus t1_izf8o7a wrote

$2000/month should be enough to find housing and have some money left over for food/items. You should speak to your admissions contact to see what programs they may have available for housing on and off campus with access to transportation.


clichetobelieve t1_izf9dew wrote

I agree with this. As a UMD grad and local, I can say you will be making enough on the scholarship to afford living around campus. You’d be better off of you could get some kind of campus job like an assistantship but $2k/month should be enough, especially if you don’t have a car.


jollysailorband OP t1_izrhhew wrote

My $2k includes income from TA work, but I do not know whether I can supplement that income with additional work. I plan on living close to campus and it looks like the money is enough.

Thank you so much for letting me know.


jollysailorband OP t1_izrhakt wrote

Thank you! After some research, I believe staying on campus is my best bet. I will definitely talk to the admissions contact.


Disenthalus t1_izs65ku wrote

I attended UMass Dartmouth from 2002-2006. During that time, it was just beginning a massive project to revitalize on-campus housing. They added a lot of new facilities for students during that decade. I bet you will find campus life very comfortable now.


Tenma159 t1_izfgl6i wrote

My kids are currently going to Dartmouth. The money may be enough for rent but not much else unless you're willing to live thrifty. There are shuttles you can take into downtown, so maybe if you rented a place you can take the shuttles into campus? Apartment rentals are sort of far away and rush hour is awful.


jollysailorband OP t1_izrhpa2 wrote

Thank you for commenting!

I have no problem living thrifty. I plan to find accommodation on campus first and look for more affordable options later once I get to know the place.


Tenma159 t1_izs61i1 wrote

That's probably a good idea. Living on campus, like any college experience, can be lively at any time of the day. I suggest getting yourself a white noise machine. Some fans have that option.


Menacing_Anus42 t1_izfk2cp wrote

If you can find a place with roommates, and have no car, sure. I'd still suggest some other part time work or campus job though.


jollysailorband OP t1_izribxo wrote

I have to do some TA work for the $2k income, although I believe I can earn more through research assistantships. I plan on initially living on the campus until I get to know the place and search fro more frugal options.

Thank you so much for commenting.


goPACK17 t1_izg0pyo wrote

With a roommate or two, you may be able to find a bedroom for rent down in the Southcoast for maybe $800. You're gonna need a car down there too, and that won't leave much extra for living expenses. Can you get a part time job as well?


jollysailorband OP t1_izripxv wrote

I hope to find some extra work, hopefully, a research assistantship with a Professor. I am skeptical about whether I can manage a car.

Do you have any website suggestions to search for rooms?


ZaphodG t1_izfa8jt wrote

The problem is that UMass-Dartmouth is in a suburban town with very little rental housing. The nearest inexpensive housing is an SRTA bus ride away in New Bedford or Fall River. It’s SRTA bus route 9 which is hourly service. Link to schedule:

Apartments in New Bedford and Fall River are fairly expensive because of Section 8 housing assistance vouchers. It would be really challenging to pay rent, utilities, food, and transportation on $2,000/month in your own apartment near bus route 9. Kempton Street in New Bedford on that bus route is not a nice part of the city. You are probably better off working with the University to understand your housing options.


Codspear t1_izgfx63 wrote

> Apartments in New Bedford and Fall River are fairly expensive because of Section 8 housing assistance vouchers.

No. Housing is the cheapest in Eastern MA, but rising fast because all the working and middle class people are getting priced out of everywhere else.

> Kempton Street in New Bedford on that bus route is not a nice part of the city.

It depends. Everything west of Lindsey St is alright. It only gets dodgy when you get close to the Temple Landing projects.


jollysailorband OP t1_izrjekk wrote

Thank you for letting me know. I plan to find something on campus and look for other options once I am familiar with the place.


[deleted] t1_izfq9pc wrote

Are you religious? If so, see if there is a house of worship in line with your religion local to umass Dartmouth and see if they help, or ask trade associations. There may even be a cultural group from your home country near by established to help you get settled and secure.

Keep chasing your dreams.


jollysailorband OP t1_izrig4b wrote

Thank you so much for letting me know. I am raised Catholic.

I will try the routes you suggested.