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redditor420_69 t1_izj637z wrote

While we’re at it allow happy hour again (a drunk girl stupidly sitting on a moving car’s hood in the 1980s doesn’t constitute for it to still be banned) and allow bars to stay open past 2am. Make Boston fun again


Workacct1999 t1_izjcx5n wrote

Unfortunately, the bars don't want either of those to pass.


NativeMasshole t1_izjta4v wrote

Why not? Being open later and having drink sales seems like a couple easy ways to increase business.


drizzlefoot321 t1_izk3kgt wrote

Competition is not good for business owners, it good for consumers. They campaign heavily against this and for the expansion of liqour licenses. Competing against other businesses to see who can sell the cheapest drinks is not in their best interest. Having longer business hours just means more payroll. More liqour licenses is just more competition. Every business wants to create barriers of entry for competition and then milk the captive audience. Be it a bar, restaurant, liqour store etc etc.


jp_jellyroll t1_izkczzn wrote

Not all competition is created equal though. Amazon was a direct competitor against mom-and-pop shops. Look how that ended up for the consumer.

The same thing will happen with bars & restaurants if we're not careful. Larger chains with assloads of capital, hyper-efficient business models, and zero personality will drive out all of the local bars & restaurants who can't compete with $1 shots, half-price booze / food, etc.

They'll be the only places left just like Walmart or Amazon and we'll wonder why there aren't anymore good places to eat or cool bars to hang out at.


drizzlefoot321 t1_izm3mjy wrote

Well, your blending a couple different arguments here. I'm no Amazon apologist, but Amazon isn't bad for the consumer. bad for their employees I would say, bad for the environment, bad for people as a society, maybe, but not bad for the "consumer". I can get paper towels delivered to my house for cheaper than I could get at the mom and pop. In the pure context of a consumer, how am I worse off?


brufleth t1_izjuuab wrote

There aren't that many people who would go to the bars later and staffing is already a shit show.

Selling booze for less money isn't a desirable "opportunity." It is just selling product for less. If they choose not to do it then they'll lose business. When they do it to compete, they make less money on the business they already had.

Lose lose for bars.


Guerschon_Yabusele t1_izjwzse wrote

lol look at econ 101 over here. Why should they not have the ability to stay open later or have specials on alcohol if they want to? It wouldn't be a mandate.

Both are ways for bars/restaurants to find a niche


brufleth t1_izk0rc5 wrote

They asked why bars aren't for these motions. I stated why.

I won't argue that the bars shouldn't be allowed to do whatever. I don't care, but the reason bars aren't pushing for these is because it makes it more difficult to compete.

People should keep in mind that making it even harder to run a successful bar here will mean even fewer local places and more Buffalo-Wildwings-esque places.


FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_izjjwjd wrote

Honestly it’s not the 2am last call. It’s the people. Most bars seem to go dark or close to it by midnight. Sleepy town.


big_whistler t1_izjpxb9 wrote

Well its not like you can take public transit home that late so that would be an issue


FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_izkdujq wrote

But it's all sort of wrapped up in the same issue. If demand were there, then presumably sooner or later "the rest" would be legislated/operated to fit.

NYC's transit system runs 24/7/365. Bars are open until 4 and not only is it not especially enforced but many bars and clubs are open well beyond sunrise.


SpaceBasedMasonry t1_izjuoig wrote

Yeah, why would we expect people to plan for staying out late when there is nothing to stay out late for, or even a way to cheaply and easily get home? Of course it seems sleepy.


brufleth t1_izk1bl2 wrote

I mean, you just take a cab/uber. People just don't want to bother though. You can also have a designated driver. It isn't like other places don't have similar (or much worse) transit issues.

I think people on reddit just often greatly overestimate the demand for all night drinking. This isn't a party town. We've mostly got work in the morning.


SpaceBasedMasonry t1_izlaux5 wrote

I think people underestimate how if options were consistent, reliable, and expected, more people would stay out late.

The worst thing the T did with it's late night experiment was calling it that. Everyone knew it was going to end and didn't change accordingly.


FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_iznvkg3 wrote

As a transplanted NYer....yeah.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_izocj8m wrote

I'm from Seattle and feel that way. Like, how does Seattle have better nightlife than Boston?


FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_izsokna wrote

I've come to appreciate that Boston offers many things. Nightlife however is not one of them.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_izt5t96 wrote

It is weird. Just from my perspective. Seattle was always considered a second tier city. The big bois had all the nightlife and crazy fun. LA, NY, Chicago, and I assumed Boston. I mean it had to, right? All those schools and such.


Turns out Boston hates fun and is stuck in 1930.



FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_iztrnxo wrote

Maybe if more college students were 21?


TheGrandExquisitor t1_izu3nms wrote

That ain't it.

I did grad school in Boston. There is a HUGE demand for nightlife of all kinds.

The problem is, Boston, and Mass in general hate fun and anything new.


brufleth t1_izjuhjv wrote

And thus all the stuff that only people on reddit seem to care about has been contained in this one post.


Markymarcouscous t1_izj93r7 wrote

Bring back Happy Hour next. Let’s get rid of the 1680s laws enacted in the 1980s


1975wilma t1_izjv1j3 wrote

Too many religious freaks and conservatives calling themselves democrats here for that


ArmlessGeodude t1_izjr1je wrote

Lots of happy hour encouragement here. I'd like to say that those of use who were too young to experience it do not care at all that it is gone.

I don't speak for everyone, but the people vying for its return are certainly not in the age group that it would be primarily geared towards.


squarerootofapplepie t1_izk88z9 wrote

Yeah after months of them being in MA from other states I told my friends from grad school about the ban on happy hour and they hadn’t even realized there was one. I don’t think it matters that much.


brufleth t1_izjvhjc wrote

It is a weird thing that only a handful of people on reddit seem to care so intensely about. Just like sports betting. Who the fuck actually cares?

I don't want to go out drinking with people after work. If I go out for drinks a happy hour isn't going to change the decision one way or another.


ksoops t1_izm2ybp wrote

Me me me me me.

Think about others; it's healthy sometimes


Jolly-Affect7798 t1_izna9t0 wrote

Hahaha fuck off you stupid rotting boomer, you’re done

Go play tinkly winks in the alley like it’s 1961


WooNoto t1_izkwb18 wrote

When is fandual going live? I’m tired of this shit and I’m not going to the casino the lay down bets. What is the delay?


Human_Cantaloupe8234 t1_izkxuhr wrote

According to what I've read, the mobile betting won't be live until March.

That's MA for you.


sheeplewatcher t1_izkxqb4 wrote

Curious why Encore received the go ahead while MGM has to wait. From the articles I read, both will be utilizing their online platform for odds, wagers, etc.


Cloudstar86 t1_izm0erk wrote

Mgm had some issues with their wording on the application they sent. Something about too many references to betmgm. As far as I know from what I was told this morning, they have fixed it and are waiting again for another meeting. There were issues with poor wording I think.


sheeplewatcher t1_izmeanv wrote

Reading through the articles on Masslive again, sounds like MGM was lazy and just trying to submit 1 application for both in person and online.


Cloudstar86 t1_izmf51w wrote

I was told they just kept referring to betmgm in the answers. The gaming commission wanted a bit more information than what was being provided on the application. And it was something about wording being confusing. Mgm did say they confused both applications too. But they’re in the process of fixing it. I read even someone at the commission admitted their structuring for the application review process was confusing. And encore even missed things with their application and submitted it incomplete, but it was approved anyway after deciding to accept the missing info late.


Ready_the_Rhinos t1_izjy6h1 wrote

MA putting in a lot of effort to make sure we are free to gamble but not putting in much effort when it comes to building housing, extending the T, or offshore wind.


squarerootofapplepie t1_izk8dc1 wrote

MA is going to have the first commercial scale offshore wind farm in the US. Construction starts next year.


Ready_the_Rhinos t1_izkcyij wrote

That’s good! Took them long enough. I remember being little and hearing about the fights trying to get wind energy in Nantucket Sound. If only we acted 20 years ago…


Thisbymaster t1_izk0s0d wrote

The last thing we need is gambling. Better idea, ban the casino and change it into housing. It isn't even a cheap hotel.


Electronic_Company64 t1_izizck3 wrote

This is just a scam to separate gullible dreamers from their money. I am conflicted between my libertarian instincts and my gut feeling that we, as the state, should not be making money off people’s weaknesses. I know, we already do with alcohol and tobacco taxes, but at some point it’s just too much.


Mysterious-House-51 t1_izj1ie9 wrote

Let's not forget the 20% tax on weed sales


RawDoggRamen t1_izjaglx wrote

Get your MMC card! You basically pay the taxes ahead of time!


charons-voyage t1_izlhrzz wrote

Such a shitty thing to do if you don’t actually need it. It turns the whole medical marijuana field into a joke, when MMC should be reserved for patients who actually need it. If you just wanna get ripped and play videogames, good for you, but pay for it.


RawDoggRamen t1_izlk6bu wrote

It cost 175 bucks a year. 150 at some places. The joke is that you're basically paying the taxes ahead of time. So, whoosh. Also, have you actually gone through the process to get a card? It is already a joke.


bostonbananarama t1_izjo6bj wrote

This is quite possibly the most libertarian stance ever...people should have maximal freedom, unless it's something I don't like.


Electronic_Company64 t1_izm0osx wrote

No, I am saying you can do whatever you want, but when the gov’t is actively going after it’s citizens by scamming them with these foolish dreams of big winnings, we might consider if this is for the common good. Again, people can chose to spend their money however they please. I just don’t want the state to be the corner bookie.


bostonbananarama t1_izmbfas wrote

I don't see the scam. Isn't everyone aware of the odds? A Nigerian prince offering you a million dollars if only you send $5,000 today, is a scam. Betting $100 to win $150 if the Patriots beat the Cardinals isn't. We all know they could lose.

Furthermore, nearly every surrounding state allows sports betting, not to mention online bookmaking sites. So any negative which comes from betting is already being suffered, we might as well make money from it, which allows us to use a portion of that money to aid those with a gambling problem.


Electronic_Company64 t1_izqe45q wrote

O.k., scamming was the wrong word,people make choices that work for them. And they certainly have that right. But these sites prey upon people who are addictive personalities, not most, as I will concede. But when the gov’t is making money off a certain percentage of the population that is vulnerable to these entreaties, then they are guilty and responsible for the ruined lives it causes. Better to leave it to the professionals, the Mob. I am not arguing for banning gambling. That would be pointless. It happens, as does drinking and all kinds of other activities that people take part in. I just want the gov’ts role to be minimal and not encouraging.


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_izj6hik wrote

Remember when we were all in lockdown mode and wouldn't let kids go to school but the keno games and lotteries still stayed open at convenience stores? keeping the poor people poor is big business and can never be disrupted.


Hot-Cry920 t1_izj7xhw wrote

Im not poor and i enjoy sports betting. Whats the problem here? Worry about yourself and mind your business. Dont like to gamble then dont go. Now instead of driving to RI i can make wages in MA


Hilarias_Glucose_Cup t1_izj8qik wrote

I don't gamble and i have no issue if you want to piss your money away. Simply pointing out that we prioritize keeping and growing the gambling industry in this state above a lot of other areas. Good luck at the sports book 😂


Flowing93 t1_izj2quq wrote

Spot the fun police. Every other state is making $$ from this. But we cant.. cause of mAh MoRaLs.


Electronic_Company64 t1_izj385n wrote

So we should just take advantage of peoples bad habits so we can make a buck? Nice. You can do whatever you want, but I don’t want to help you fuck yourself.


Flowing93 t1_izj6baj wrote

Who's taking advantage of who? People know what a casino does. Other states allow it, but because you have "higher morals" we can't have fun.

Also being angry at someone who has a different opinion than you, is not a good look bro.


Electronic_Company64 t1_izj7lvz wrote

Why do you think I’m angry? By “you” I mean other people, not you personally. I don’t claim to have higher morals, merely that I would rather not help people hurt themselves. Obviously many people can gamble, drink, smoke without it ruining their lives, but some can’t and these sports betting sites prey on peoples vulnerability. As to the state losing out on revenue, why not close loopholes on corporations instead of further taxing it’s citizens? BTW, I drink, have smoked pot and occasionally buy football squares.


Flowing93 t1_izjlnk3 wrote

That loophole closing will NEVER happen. Going by the same premise that Jeffery epsitine didn't kill himself


Electronic_Company64 t1_izm1gky wrote

Oh, he killed himself alright, by upsetting the wrong people. You are right that the loophole probably won’t be closed So we have to screw our fellow citizens with pie-in-the -sky delusions? Again, I am not against people doing whatever they want with their money, I just don’t want the gov’t involved.


gsalon t1_izism5c wrote

Cool as if the lower class needed any more of an Avenue to piss their lives away at the expense of the wealthy trash who shat this abomination out


Flowing93 t1_izj2wjg wrote

Who asked you to worry about us. Worry about how you spend your $$


bostonbananarama t1_izjp9i2 wrote

What kind of PoS talks about the "lower class"?

Some people enjoy sports betting, some don't. So why not allow those that do, to be able to do it, the people that don't want to don't have to, and we use some of the revenue to aid those people who have a problem?