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tjrad815 t1_izjgcc2 wrote

You can't understand how Santa (aka St. Nicholas) and a (Christmas) tree are connected to a religion?


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_izjhx0l wrote

TODAY Santa and christmas in the public domain is all about buying crap and gifts.

The public at large does not think santa, and a pine tree with lights as the birth of Jesus. But you do you. and down vote this post of logic and reason . I'm sure you will.

Bless your little offended heart.


tjrad815 t1_izka8iv wrote

Christmas is a Christian holiday. The public at large who are not Christian do not celebrate Christmas regardless of how commercialized you believe it has become.


human8060 t1_izlq0rx wrote

That's not the slightest bit true. Millions of non-Christians celebrate it. It's barely a religious holiday anymore. It was all stolen from other religions anyway. Christmas is a fake holiday. The Santa we know today was created by Coca-Cola. Jesus was not born in December. People celebrate it as a reason to get together, eat food, and give gifts.


tjrad815 t1_izlu9e8 wrote

If it's such a secular holiday, why are Christians so upset about the war on Christmas?


human8060 t1_izlvfn3 wrote

There is no war on Christmas. It's people with a victim complex acting like they're being persecuted because their town put up a menorah or Starbucks cups aren't red enough. People who are so offended by "Happy Holidays", like it somehow doesn't include Christmas. Christmas is the most commercialized holiday there is. Atheist put up xmas trees and give gifts. Sure, there are plenty of people who celebrate it as the birth of Jesus, even though he was born in summer. There are also millions who celebrate it just to watch movies, give and get gifts, eat food, and see friends and family.


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_iznp3zl wrote

Then maybe they should stop, having a tree, and giving gifts, and having the day off. Funny those SO OFFENDED by the holiday, have no issue with having the day off, receiving gifts. And giving their kids gifts.

A tree with lights does not = Christian, Now a manger, yup.

People need to get a hobby other than being OFFENDED by everything.

As for your post about my opinion on how commercialized it is.

Nothing done today has any base of religion. Santa has as much to do with a religion as the tooth fairy . He became a saint because of his actions after the fact. The tree isn't a cross.

For the amount of folks so offended by this holiday, they seem to give gifts to others on it. So the fake outrage is just that FAKE. Or they tell their kids, no christmas for you, no gifts, no nothing.


tjrad815 t1_izqhuei wrote

A Christmas tree is a Christian symbol. Your strawman arguments and imagined scenarios aren't changing that fact.


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_izwwyka wrote

Sure it is, fine me a pine tree in Rome 2000 years ago.

Never mind the birth of Jesus isn't the 25th of dec.

But facts don't matter to those looking to be offended, only "feelings"

Only ones with a Strawman are those so ignorant to not know When the birth of Jesus truly is.



tjrad815 t1_izxc1vh wrote

The birth of Jesus wasn't 2000 years ago if this is the game you want to play.

Traditions evolve, and Christmas trees are an established part of the way Christmas is celebrated today.


WhiplashMotorbreath t1_j05yu4f wrote

Yes they evolve, and Christmas is a spending holiday of gift giving, and making kids happy. Not a religion based one to the general public at large. It evolved into this 70 odd years ago.

Do you need a safe space, when you see a pine tree with lights on it?

Does a cross on the side of the highway where someone lost their life and friends and family put flowers and photo's send you into a rage?

What I see and think when I read about folks getting offended over this, or anything else that doesn't really matter, is they have no life, and are unhappy, and need to be offended to feel like they are Alive. As they hate everything. And this state is chock full of them.


tjrad815 t1_j07awkt wrote

Christmas remains a Christian holiday. It's weird that you keep pretending that it isn't. I've never mentioned being offended in this thread. I've merely pointed out that you are weirdly trying to ignore a basic fact. Me pointing out your hypocracy seems to have triggered you. Maybe you should go back to Truth Social where people will play along with your make-believe scenarios.