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jabbanobada t1_izjng64 wrote

Consider that the number of Christmas decorations put out by the town of Dedham, which puts up Christmas decorations, is not important. Perhaps if your news sources focus on this stuff, they are not very good.


bostonmacosx OP t1_izjnzy9 wrote

It’s not inherently about the decoration, but most people can’t see past that it’s the ability of one or two people to walk in and say I have a problem with that and then it gets shut down


3ternal_Scout t1_izjsplz wrote

You keep asserting it was a purely reactive decision when for all you know it could be the result of deliberate inclusive planning to not feature one holiday’s symbol prominently over others.


jabbanobada t1_izkbk49 wrote

There's no reason to believe that's what happened. Real people in this library are being harassed over an inconsequential decision because people with poor information sources think this is important. The purpose of this story is to create outrage where none naturally exists, because it is better for the publishers of this nonsense then discussing things of greater importance.