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SynbiosVyse t1_izrznlg wrote

Reply to comment by fcoibFarmer in Holy $#!^ Eversource by Xaphas

Your heating system and insulation suck. You shouldn't really set it below 50.


fcoibFarmer t1_izsamye wrote

oh i know. nothing the landlord will do though. mass save won’t work either because not all floors want mass save to come, so we can’t get it. landlord doesn’t care at all. he’ll get frozen pipes if he does and maybe he’ll learn


SynbiosVyse t1_izsg3an wrote

If your windows are a problem you can try putting cling wrap over them. It looks awful but it might help. Also get door sweeps. Just a little bit you can do within your control as a tenant.


Puzzled_Transition48 t1_izslp6g wrote

If he gets frozen pipes his insurance will bail Him out and you’ll be stuck in an ice box for a few weeks


fcoibFarmer t1_izslt2i wrote

i’ll just move out, rent by the month. no lease or anything.


fcoibFarmer t1_izslum2 wrote

my landlord is also my roommate so he’d be dealing with it