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alongfield t1_iztre66 wrote

The process used in MA makes another recount largely pointless.

The way MA recounts work, you have teams of two people for each ballot, and sets of 50 ballots. One reads the ballot and the other tallies. Other people can watch this process from right behind the readers if they're concerned the reader might misread ballots and can protest a call. (This is where the representatives for the protester would be, keeping their own tally.) Protested and ambiguous ballots are reviewed by the board of registrars. (At least 3 on the board.) The lawyer for the candidate that protested is also with that review board, as well.

The ballots in question went through this process, were protested, and 3+ other people reviewed, and determined whether to use the ballot and reading as called. At a minimum, you should have 5 people that just looked at that same ballot, plus observers.

Further action from there is to go to court over specific ballots that had been protested at the time of recount.

It's a pretty solid process.