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AutoMorbirator t1_izx38gh wrote

I experienced that pulling out of my driveway last year. I was coming out of my (poorly treated by me) driveway and saw a truck coming down the street. I was already going less than 5mph because I could tell I was slipping, so I started breaking 30ft+ from the end of my driveway, but my driveway was sloped and I could not stop on the ice. At all. It was almost like my breaks were cut. My options were drive into my fence to the left or drive into a 6ft high stone wall on the right.

The truck also refused to stop and nearly slammed into me... so the dude got out, blocked my car in the street, and started yelling at me. The near-accident all took place over about 5-10 seconds, which is a long freaking time to avoid an accident. It all happened literally and figuratively so slowly, but this guy just refused to stop to avoid a collision out of principle. I don't think I've ever been so pissed at another driver.