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chad_trooper t1_izuk15t wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kick bf out housing laws by [deleted]

You're obviously angry and upset. And for obvious reasons. But the simple fact is that he legally lives there. And you can't illegally kick him out. The faster you start the process, the better. You are looking at a minimum of two months. Between 30 day notice, then eviction and court date, followed by courts likely giving him a fair bit of time to find a place (especially since it's winter)

The faster you get the ball rolling, the better


[deleted] OP t1_izukq2y wrote



twoscoop t1_izum18x wrote

Did he ever sign a piece of paper that says he has the right to live there? Has he given you anything in return for living there?


[deleted] OP t1_izunayg wrote



twoscoop t1_izuoo9z wrote

Well, if you feel safe, give the night, call a lawyer tmrw. The guy at this point is trespassing in a sense. You don't want LEO but, this most likely will end with that. If he has no where to go, tell him to move to florida, its warmer.
