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savory_thing t1_izv45fn wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kick bf out housing laws by [deleted]

I’m not sure what other options may be open to you. I would say whatever route you choose to go down, having a lawyer to guide you through it would be the best help for you. I wouldn’t want to go through the eviction process myself without a lawyer’s advice, God forbid you miss crossing a t or dotting an i and it resets you back to square one. And it sounds like you’re dealing with someone who would take full advantage of any missteps you may make. I feel bad for you and wish I could come up with some kind of silver bullet that would resolve the situation for you.


[deleted] OP t1_izv7qmn wrote



savory_thing t1_izvapva wrote

He’s grown accustomed to living off from you and is in denial about that gravy train coming to an end. That’s my guess anyway. His motivation doesn’t really matter to you, except where it comes to motivating him to vacate.