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LowkeyPony t1_izyn85a wrote

My husband and I ran into a similar situation about 15 years ago with a "friend" of mine. He needed a place to stay, we had an extra room. He signed am agreement to pay a certain amount per month for the room and to contribute to the food budget. Worked for about 6 months.

All of a sudden there was no money coming from him. He was in his room all the time. When I questioned him he said that his boss, a colleague of mine, had told him to take a vacation since he hadn't taken any time off all busy season. I didn't believe him so I called her. She had actually fired him for taking the farm truck after hours, without permission; getting in a small accident with it. And having a minor with him.

So I brought my kid to my moms. Picked up my husband at the train station and told him what I had found out. Then went to the local police, who told me what you have been told. By the time we got home I was done. Walked into my home and went off. Told him to get the fuck out of my house. Along with some other choice words. My husband gave him $200 and brought him to the Greyhound bus stop on the other side of my city. He left with a suitcase of clothes. But he left. Haven't heard from the loser since.


[deleted] OP t1_izyt31e wrote



LowkeyPony t1_j0232q7 wrote

You are not in the wrong. Not at all. He's a grown ass man. He needs to step up and act like one. Just move forward legally. And carefully. Some of these bastards get violent. Pretty sure I simply put the fear of God into the loser. Stand your ground.