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mycatisminnie t1_j1qw9ct wrote

LOL I don’t understand how you are equating bring a teacher with some sort of healthcare worker? School is not daycare. Wtf?


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qwq3z wrote

The commenter above said that having children is a choice and that if we didn’t understand the sacrifices involved, we shouldn’t have had them. If they didn’t understand the sacrifices involved in being a teacher, which has always involved being around sick kids, they shouldn’t have become a teacher. The pandemic didn’t change the fact that sick kids go to school. The fact that teacher want to both be above reproach because they sacrifice so much, but not be expected to sacrifice bc PANDEMIC, is ridiculous. Do you think wait staff don’t get get exposed to sick people all the time? Retail? How much do you think that grocery store clerk gets paid? Lmao…


ArmlessGeodude t1_j1r1mxr wrote

Yes, of course. Careers are equivalent to parenting. The decision to pursue a career is just like having a child and taking care of. Totally the same things.

That's sarcasm. Figured you'd need the explainer.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1r94ai wrote

I love how you make my point for me… they ARE totally different. A career choice is always a choice, being a parent isn’t always a choice. You can change your career, but you rarely get to change things once you are a parent. So, yeah, choosing to be a teacher is something that you shouldn’t do if you aren’t prepared for the sacrifices. I work in public service. I know what we put in and what we get out. Lmao… don’t make the choice and then think teachers are any more special than any other public servant.

And it sure is easier to change careers than change being a parent. 😂😂😂


ArmlessGeodude t1_j1r9z6s wrote

Pretty easy to not be a parent. Sounds like you got in over your head. Should have thought that one through.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rac1x wrote

Okay, Mr. Calls Me an Old White Republican… seems like you are super in touch with what Republicans have done to reproductive rights…😂😂😂 Or how biology works. But I guess you think birth control is foolproof and that everyone can get an abortion, or wants to. 😂😂😂😂