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UsernamesAreHard26 t1_j29v0fq wrote

Are you saying you found these keys and are looking for their owner? Or are you just sharing a picture of your keys with us?


TheLyz t1_j2a225k wrote

I think the title means he found them and dropped them off with the town's PD.


Live_Olive_2853 t1_j2b207r wrote

You think? See. It’s not clear and open to interpretation. I read it 3 times and still wasn’t sure.


jacb415 t1_j2ah9gt wrote

You could try bringing them to a Subaru dealership and if the key is “readable” (for services and recalls due) it may have the owners information accessible and they or you could track them down that way.


TheATrain218 t1_j2b6sb5 wrote

>they or you

It ain't going to be you, that's for sure. "Can you tell me how to get to this stranger's house for which I have a key? Steal stuff? No never!"


randomlurker82 t1_j2agxlt wrote

I used to love driving over that causeway. So beautiful there. Hope this person gets their keys back!


Extension_Club57 t1_j2ae9h4 wrote

Woof. Those are also keys to his/her business and others looking at those "do not copy" keys. You've got a lil extra karma in your back pocket today


adm7373 t1_j2ahiym wrote

it's also possible to make a copy of a key based on a photo, so the negative karma might balance out the positive here.

i doubt there's enough identifying info here to know what door those keys unlock and the "W603" one is the only one with a full image, but I've learned not to underestimate internet sleuths/troublemakers


Extension_Club57 t1_j2ahvbl wrote

Sounds like you live in fear. Take a breath, sweetheart - they're not the vault keys to fort knox


adm7373 t1_j2als4n wrote

lol I'm not afraid, just assessing risks. I work with health data, so I think about security a lot. (also to be clear, I didn't downvote you)


Pudge223 t1_j2axkur wrote

Half the state just tapped their pocket.


fendent t1_j2ci75h wrote

Subaru key fob with Thule keys? Couldn’t be…


tapakip t1_j2azyk9 wrote

Did you post this to the Westport Facebook group? You're more likely to find the owner or someone who knows them there.


[deleted] t1_j29op0s wrote



itallendsintears t1_j29watv wrote

They don’t. Now take your lifted truck and hit that gun show


[deleted] t1_j29wkv8 wrote



itallendsintears t1_j29wy7k wrote

I think subaru drivers are alright. Wrx notwithstanding. I’m all about co ops and Vermont flannel though, so beware


Extension_Club57 t1_j2aelp8 wrote

There is no combination of any license plate and car color that's better than the Vermont plate on a Green Forrester (the unofficial official car of Vermont).


itallendsintears t1_j2agqa7 wrote

Dude. For real. And Vermont is basically heaven so that’s like a chariot of gods as far as I’m concerned.


Extension_Club57 t1_j2ai4lp wrote

Still miss Burlington daily. There's was nothing quite like walking the dog every night while the sunset on the Adirondacks. Thankfully, some buddies stayed so I visit often


itallendsintears t1_j2animi wrote

Me and my girl are trying to manifest a house somewhere out in Vermont. But considering I work in health and human services, it’s an apartment in south Hadley falls instead


Flower_Murderer t1_j29vxib wrote

Because the think, 'I'm going to tune my WRX with this shitty aftermaket ECU to go faster" then realize they've just grenaded their engine sans money shift because they fucked with things they were not knowledgeable on.
