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Extension_Club57 t1_j2ae9h4 wrote

Woof. Those are also keys to his/her business and others looking at those "do not copy" keys. You've got a lil extra karma in your back pocket today


adm7373 t1_j2ahiym wrote

it's also possible to make a copy of a key based on a photo, so the negative karma might balance out the positive here.

i doubt there's enough identifying info here to know what door those keys unlock and the "W603" one is the only one with a full image, but I've learned not to underestimate internet sleuths/troublemakers


Extension_Club57 t1_j2ahvbl wrote

Sounds like you live in fear. Take a breath, sweetheart - they're not the vault keys to fort knox


adm7373 t1_j2als4n wrote

lol I'm not afraid, just assessing risks. I work with health data, so I think about security a lot. (also to be clear, I didn't downvote you)