Submitted by pastywhiterunner t3_zylh1q in massachusetts

I’m originally from Vegas and lived in Idaho for the last 5 years so I’ve never had experience on the east coast. I’m excited because as a history teacher I love the history of the area. What are tips and things about the state that you find enjoyable? While I’m sad the geography doesn’t offer the experience of the west I’m looking forward to a new experience and want to know what the people of Massachusetts enjoy most about the state.



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funsk8mom t1_j26wwtr wrote

Met a woman from CA years ago who moved here. She loved exploring the different areas (ocean, mountains, etc) but her favorite was old cemeteries. She loved their design with old rolling hills, old trees, detailed stones. She was always out exploring cemeteries


Shelburnite t1_j26hv4a wrote

Don't knock the Appalachian mountains plenty of great terrain out the western half of the state.


techorules t1_j26j587 wrote

Agree with this. Obviously you should enjoy the ocean. But don’t sleep on Western and Central Mass as they are beautiful as well. Explore Mass and New England. While outside Mass, the NH White Mountains are spectacular year round.


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26jl7e wrote

I’m going to be in the Haverhill area and heard that New Hampshire is a wonderful place to visit. As someone who’s never lived that close to the ocean, I can’t wait to be able to drive a short distance to see it even if it’ll be a tad cold.


bellairecourt t1_j26x0n1 wrote

Going to the beach in winter is underrated, especially when the waves are pumping.


Animallover4321 t1_j26l44u wrote

I love the beach in April & October it’s cold but it’s also incredibly peaceful. I bitch about needing to drive an hour but it’s totally worth it.


arch_at_large t1_j279u55 wrote

Come to Lowell for some nice downtown restaurants. Essex also has some great seafood places. But overall lot of history here. I just like driving and walking through main streets of different towns.


sjashe t1_j289it9 wrote

as well as the National Historic Park, canals, mill museum, historic graveyards (catch the tour by Richard Howe).

Concord MA for the Old North Bridge, Walden Pond, Lexington and Concord for the historic museums and Battle Road (especially on April 19)

Groton and Townsend for fascinating Graveyards (Groton was one of the original townships).

Parker's Maple Barn just over the border in Mason, NH (home of Johnie appleseed)


04_R32 t1_j27bikl wrote

Check out Portsmouth, Newburyport, and Plum Island reservation.


ratiofarm t1_j28lsar wrote

One key point you should know is that things here are much, much closer than they are where you’re from. It only takes 3.5 hours to drive from the coast to Western Mass. And there’s so much to explore all throughout New England and upstate NY. As a historian and curious person, I think you’ll really love it here!


angelcobra t1_j29hefp wrote

Not sure if anyone pointed this out but it’s “HAY-vrill” and not “have err ill”.

(Massholes, please correct me is this is wrong. Don’t let me do this in public!)


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26iq9c wrote

I am looking forward to the greenery and beauty and would love to explore the trails and peaks out there. Are there any particular areas of the Appalachians that strike you as the best experience?


ImProbablyHiking t1_j26k1uf wrote

Easy proximity to the white mountains in New Hampshire. Other than the smokies, the best mountains on the east coast. Some views are just as striking than ones in the west, just different.

You gotta do the Franconia ridge. Or the full pemi loop if you are into backpacking.

Source: my username


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26na0i wrote

I would love to get more experience with backpacking I’ve done the Ruby Crest in Nevada and getting really into the deep of the mountains sounds like a fun experience.


Lord-Eddard t1_j26sfrh wrote

I posted above but check out Baxter State Park if you have a few days or more for backpacking and can drive 4-5 hours. Katahdin can hang with a lot of the big bois out west. Trust me it’s worth the time and effort.


ImProbablyHiking t1_j28s5jq wrote

Gotta do the knife’s edge trail!


Lord-Eddard t1_j291isc wrote

Your user name checks out lol. The knife edge is the most epic hike I’ve ever done.


Shelburnite t1_j26jldl wrote

My Greylock is my fave place for a day hike. May not be Massachusetts but if you go north to the white mountains it's some of the bets hiking this side of the country but go prepared.


LionClean8758 t1_j26p08f wrote


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26pgyu wrote

I would absolutely hike 48 peaks to get a patch and a dinner .


LionClean8758 t1_j26qqbg wrote

I believe it's one of those things where if you're doing it, you end up finding a great local community and naturally have something to talk about with each other. Just be safe! There's lots of news right now about inexperienced solo hikers taking on more than they could handle.


legalpretzel t1_j26yx2i wrote

Even experienced hikers get into trouble because the weather systems in the whites can be extremely unpredictable at times.


techorules t1_j276imq wrote

Just make sure you take the Whites seriously. Too many people don’t respect them and even when you do the conditions can change quickly and things can get a bit sketchy. Amazing up there though. Easily my favorite place on this planet.


Shelburnite t1_j27dyml wrote

i did that between 2012 and 2016. got a lot of hiking in and saw a lot of the out of the way peaks.


idiotintheburbs t1_j29r0ta wrote

The part of the Appalachian mountains in MA is called The Berkshires. In New Hampshire, they are the White Mountains. In Vermont, Green Mountains. I have never heard of them referred to as Appalachian - probably because the Appalachian mountains technically span from Newfoundland, Canada to Alabama. Not trying to be a nerdy stickler, just sharing the popular terms here.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j26opqb wrote

In Idaho they call those "hills." Seriously. Google some pics of the Sawtooths.


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26pdt7 wrote

No the Sawtooths are my favorite part of the state, scrambling up to Thompson Peak was a lot of fun. Yeah the foothills and Owhyees are really just hills.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j26pks3 wrote

Appalachians are also much, much, much older so they are more...well rounded one could say. And far shorter.


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26pujz wrote

Right it’s hard to compare mountains that are almost half a billion years as opposed to one’s that are less than 100 million.


individual_328 t1_j26vyx6 wrote

The Rockies are of course more majestic and stunning to look at, but I think the Appalachians are a more pleasant place to hang out. It's just a completely different vibe. The former is imposing, the latter is welcoming.


MajorProblem50 t1_j26rmr4 wrote

Considering you're from Vegas and Idaho, I suggest you visit all the port towns now that you live right next to the ocean. Massachusetts port towns have a lot of charms with Newburyport being the closest one to you. I would just look on the map and visit the most dense areas right on the coast: Salem, cape cod, Provincetown, Marblehead, Situate, etc.... These places are especially nice in the summer and fall.

History is everywhere in Massachusetts as we are one of the oldest state, even the woods have history.

For nature stuff, I prefer western Mass and Maine over New Hampshire. New Hampshire is kinda touristy and their landscape is full of new monoculture forests due to the whole state being logged at one point. The mountains are nice but it gets old. Maine has more charms and feels closer to nature than NH does, same with western Mass.

With that said, welcome to Mass. Feel free to reach out for recommendations as I've lived close to Haverhill my whole life.


WinsingtonIII t1_j28zie7 wrote

I think your recommendation of the old port towns is spot on for someone coming from the mountain west. I love hiking in northern New England myself, and it is beautiful in its own way. But coming from Idaho OP will have had access to some of the most incredible mountain ranges in the world.

The old, historic port towns will be a completely new experience for them. The western part of the US simply does not have much in the way of truly historic, walkable settlements like that. Plus the ocean will be a totally new experience for someone from Nevada and Idaho.


Shaygirl426 t1_j26men9 wrote

Scenery, beaches, hiking trails


zss3zss3zss3 t1_j26lzhr wrote

additional recommendation for nature: you should 10000% go to Acadia nat’l park. its about a 3.5-4hr drive from haverhill but its one of the most beautiful places ive ever been. so much amazing nature packed into one place


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26ni9x wrote

I’ve always wanted to visit Maine and from seeing the pictures and playing Fallout 4, I would love to explore the area up north.


beerpatch86 t1_j2840gw wrote

Peep the White Mountains up in NH if you get the chance. Awesome place. The Mt Washington Hotel is magical.


MyDogSmellsLikeMyCat t1_j2a3lwo wrote

Has anyone mentioned Bar Harbor, Maine? It’s a longer drive, but Acadia National Park is worth it.


zss3zss3zss3 t1_j2e4kgq wrote

i just considered bar harbor part of acadia. its also definitely worth checking out the land bridge in bar harbor during low tide and going tide pooling. saw some pretty cool crabs and eels


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j26ij7q wrote

Here’s a list:

Paul Revere house / North End

Quincy Market

Swan boats

Plimouth Plantation

Seven Gables

Cape Cod National Seashore

Martha’s Vineyard

Wayside Inn, mill, schoolhouse, chapel



That’s enough to get you started


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26jbh2 wrote

Thank you I’m really excited to visit Boston, Lexington and Concord, Salem, and any other historic areas. I’m looking forward to seeing these places in person as opposed to just in Fallout 4.


Fencius t1_j2790fk wrote

Wait until you find out The Castle is a real place. Bonus if you can find Ivan’s.


TheHoundsRevenge t1_j26poca wrote

Forgot Gloucester! And New Bedford! Historic seafood and sadly whaling cities!


TEDSFROZENHEAD76 t1_j26mbo3 wrote

Hey welcome to the valley. aka Merrimack Valley region of Massachusetts. I've lived here my entire life. Andover and now Methuen. Haverhill has some beautiful old homes. Lawrence is rich in history but alot of the mills have been torn down or turned into apartments but be careful there's some questionable areas.


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26ntqt wrote

As someone who’s lived in the area of Idaho that is joked about being questionable I won’t mind being exposed to it but I appreciate the heads up. Thankfully I won’t have to worry about finding a place for my gf and I immediately, I’m glad to know that there are homes that have a beautiful old aesthetic as opposed to stucco.


Lord-Eddard t1_j26s6v4 wrote

Congratulations on your impending move to the most enlightened state in the union! We usually score the highest on all the classic human development indicators. We are also good people, but be warned: we don’t have time for bullshit and can be a bit harsh. Most of us will give you the shirt off our back though! We just like to cut to the chase. Also, great that you’re a teacher as we have some of the best schools in the country (which I’m sure you’re already aware of). The history is fantastic too, I am also a history buff and feel spoiled that I’ve lived here my whole life.

Our coastline is stunning of course, but for cool geography I’d expand your scope to Include NH/ME/VT if you want wilderness, lakes and mountains. Western MA does have those on a smaller scale but the north country is only a few hours by car from most parts of the state. Definitely explore the natural areas wherever you move to in MA because our state has a lot of beauty hidden away. If you ever want to get off the grid, go to Baxter State Park on Maine for a few days. Southwestern Maine and northern NH have stunning mountains that you can do on a day trip.

The state offers a lot of assistance and programs for people that are in trouble or having hard times. If you ever find yourself in a hard spot, just ask around in your town or online. Also ask around if you need winter advice, we can offer some tips for mental health and snow and ice removal.

Our one weakness I would say is our food scene. There are some bright spots in the cities for sure, but for the most part I get pretty bored with our options (I’m an adventurous eater). Look into trying a “north shore roast beef (3-way)” if you’re ever on the north shore (Essex county). Maybe try a few.

Have fun and don’t be shy if you need something!


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26tqg6 wrote

Thank you for the information, I definitely don’t mind being people being harsh cause it seems to be in a be smarter than this as opposed to being harsh because they don’t agree with you like Idaho. I’m glad there are supportive programs because like many people in the country, I have not had the easiest time getting through the rising living costs.


No_Historian718 t1_j26sp26 wrote

The proximity to the ocean is amazing. Natural beauty of a different kind than you are used to.
The history is so entrenched as well… make sure to visit Salem and Concord/Lexington


frankybling t1_j26naft wrote

so for all the faults of the area there’s a reason why it’s so loved… it’s not a bad part of the world to live in


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26o2t0 wrote

I really am looking forward to being in a place that has a lot to it, I’ve enjoyed living in Idaho but there are things that I’ll be glad to leave behind.


frankybling t1_j26tcxo wrote

like everywhere there’s good points and bad points… it might be easier to find the good points here some days. Some days you just shake your head and try to make things better… lots of cool stuff happened here though.


SanDiego628 t1_j272eo9 wrote

I'm moving (back) to Mass this summer too! I grew up in No. Andover (next to Haverhill) and miss it so much. I've been in San Diego for 8 years and have gotten to explore all of the west coast and enjoyed my time here but I'm ready for east coast living again.

I miss the people most, food and the culture. I love being able to drive to Boston for sporting events, concerts, theatre etc. I love being close to NYC for other major events, NH/NY/VT for outdoorsy stuff. I also REALLY miss Fall and the first snowfall. Living in perfect weather San Diego is great short term.. but it gets monotonous.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j26ofv3 wrote

Far fewer Mormons and zero mountain lions. But, far more Quakers and sharks.

Same amount of racists. The accent is just different.

Sports fans are on a whole 'nother level.


TheHoundsRevenge t1_j26pwtc wrote

Def not the same amount of racists but ok.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j26w1t0 wrote

LOL! You still hear fans use the N-word at games at the Garden. Come on...


TheHoundsRevenge t1_j26z32p wrote

Omg that tired old argument again. A couple of drunk south Boston townies yelling racist shit makes Mass as racist as Idaho. Ok. Most liberal and educated state in the country and Elected a black governor but we’re basically Alabama. I know weeds legal in Mass but maybe lay off it a little.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j2707v1 wrote

I also saw a whole city council of those "Mass Progressives," go to extraordinary lengths just to prevent a colleague from becoming city council president (an almost entirely ceremonial role,) because he was Dominican. So...yeah. Naw dude, you got some serious problems. Most states do, but MA just shoves their head in the sand over it. Another example - The equity program that was supposed to go forward when weed was legalized. Total fucking failure because somehow the equity program never happened.


TheHoundsRevenge t1_j271eio wrote

And what’s your evidence for them not voting for this Dominican person? Did they say this? Posted on their social media? Or just a feeling? No one’s saying Mass is perfect but cmon go live in Idaho and let me know in another 150 years when they finally elect a person of color to the governors office how it is.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j272ahv wrote

Literally admitted it in the newspaper.

Also, Idaho has only been a state for like 130 years. Took MA far longer to elect their ONE governor who wasn't white. Plus, you just glossed over the failure of the equity program.


TheHoundsRevenge t1_j271xz3 wrote

As for the equality program I can guarantee you POC were not left out due to race. Has everything to do with money and connections. Which while corrupt and unfair (like I said mass isn’t perfect) has nothing to do with caring about race.


MyDogSmellsLikeMyCat t1_j2a44yb wrote

If we ignore the redlining that’s so obvious, then yeah, equality all around.


TheHoundsRevenge t1_j2arueq wrote

Once again redlining in Mass is mostly economically based which while unfair is still not based on race. Rich people don’t want poor people in their neighborhoods regardless of race and I say this a a child of parents from Fall River and moved to a slightly less ghetto town of wareham for my childhood.


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26p3mc wrote

While I have had my fair share of experience with Mormons, I will not mind getting away from it. I don’t really think I’ll have a problem with Quakers cause my historical understanding of them is being very abolitionist and pacifist. I know that times change people, are there things about Quakers today that are concerning? I have heard about Boston fans and probably won’t be surprised by it but the accent will be really make me stand out haha.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_j26pfkb wrote

I was comparing and contrasting. I grew up out west and you knew Mormons, but no Quakers. Now, there seems to be Quakers around, but no Mormons.

Just find it interesting.


pastywhiterunner OP t1_j26plby wrote

Hopefully I won’t be stopped by missionaries like I was back West.


Beck316 t1_j26yuyi wrote

More likely Greenpeace volunteers or some other group petitioning for some measure to get on a state ballot.


Not_Discordia t1_j28pyxk wrote

You never see missionaries, it was illegal for the jehovahs to solicit in the town I grew up in.


Equivalent_Warthog22 t1_j28jsss wrote

There ARE mountain lions, but not many. Just spoke with an animal control guy who told me one had been spotted on a trail cam in Leverett.


ajmacbeth t1_j2849lg wrote

Massachusetts, and greater New England, is a pretty great place to live. People literally fly from around the world to New England just to enjoy what we have in our back yard. We have easy access to the White Mountains and Green Mountains; the Berkshires; the beautiful beaches of Cape Cod, Rhode Island, and the North Shore of Boston; the rocky coastline and wilderness of Maine; six capital cities; over 10,000 lakes and ponds; world-renowned medical, educational, and performing arts institutions; national champion sports teams; historical sites of the original settlers and the American Revolution. We experience four distinct seasons. Our geography is rolling and rocky having been shaped by the glacial Ice Ages. We have lobster rolls, clam shacks, and one of the highest concentrations of ice cream stands in the country. Be sure to visit the Minuteman National Park visitor center at the Lincoln/Lexington line. Wait until September to spend a weekend on the Cape, the tourist crowds will be gone, but it will still be beautiful. Get out to do some hiking, I suspect you won't be too disappointed by the geography. Spend a day and drive the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway ( Check out the properties of the Trustees of Reservations (, they do a fantastic job of preserving natural and historic areas, and most are free. Enjoy.


NECESolarGuy t1_j27bnmo wrote

Send a lot of time In Salem! as a history teacher you’ll have lots of fun. And there’s an ocean. Not something you’ll find in Vegas or Idaho ;-)


dede_smooth t1_j27c8zz wrote

Highly recommend checking out the Quabbin in western mass, it’s the reservoir for Boston and has some interesting history. It also has some beautiful views. Old Deerfield also has some interesting history, there is the mass grave from the Deerfield massacre at the historic cemetery! Old Sturbridge village is also a great view into early colonial/ early industrial history, but certainly is a bit tacky.


rolandofgilead41089 t1_j299bjv wrote

Came here to recommend the Quabbin and Old Deerfield as well! Sugarloaf Mountain and Yankee Candle are other great options while in Deerfield. Round out the day with dinner in Northampton for the full Western MA experience.


chlyn t1_j27heoj wrote

My first thought (Quabbin)!


joshutchings t1_j26zzau wrote

Hiking, sailing, seafood, Autumn, so much


legalpretzel t1_j270v8p wrote

Coming from landlocked areas, you should take some time to check out Portland (and surrounding areas) and Rhode Island. The ocean in general is FAR more accessible in Maine and RI than it is in most parts of MA.

Portland is just a really cool city with great dispensaries and an awesome waterfront concert venue. You can take a ferry to the harbor islands or visit a Bigfoot museum.

Providence is an amazing mix of everything with great food and if you drive 40 minutes south RI has some fabulous beaches. And really, you can get a lobster roll almost anywhere in New England, but RI has its own cuisine that is worth checking out - hot weiners, clam cakes, coffee milk, Del’s, stuffies…


chlyn t1_j27mkhj wrote

You'll be near the city of Lowell. In the early 1800s, Lowell was the site of the largest collection of fabric manufacturers in the country. It bested England with facilities designed for greater efficiency. It was also a social experiment in ethical employment. Although manufacturing eventually moved to the south in response to wage pressure, mill buildings still exist as part of Lowell National Historical Park. []

The town of Saugus gave rise to the colonies' first iron and steel works, which operated from 1646 to about 1670. Today it's the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site.

Beacon Hill in Boston is a small neighborhood of Colonial-era elegant brick row houses. Some of the homes have a few windowpanes that have turned purple with age; a small number are original and the rest are reproductions. The area has gas lanterns, brick sidewalks, and some streets still have cobblestones.

Halibut Point State Park is a small park on the Atlantic Ocean. The view of the Massachusetts coastline, and islands off the coast of NH and ME, took my breath away. Underlying the park is 440 million year old granite, which was quarried from 1840 to 1929. There are trails; although they are not challenging hikes, they are pleasant.

The Middlesex Canal was a man-made channel between Boston and what is now Lowell. It was used for shipping goods from north of Boston to the city, resulting in an economic boom. The Middlesex Canal Museum documents its construction (1793-1803) and operation (1803-1853).


S_thyrsoidea t1_j28ba56 wrote

As a history teacher, you're probably going to want to do all of the following:

  1. The entire damn Freedom Trail. Over, like, multiple days so you can spend adequate time at sites along the way. The Old State House, the site of the Boston Massacre, Paul Revere's House, the USS Constitution, Bunker Hill Monument, etc etc etc.

  2. The annual reenactments of the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

  3. Plimoth Plantation. 17th century.

  4. Old Sturbridge Village. 18th century.

We also have a ton of museums and historical sites, depending on your specific historical interests. For instance, if you have an interest in the great age of whaling, you'll want to check out the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem. If you're interested in the industrial revolution, you'll want to check out the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation. If you're interested in military history, you might want to check out some of the historical forts that are still around. If you're interested in early American domestic architecture, you might head up to Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, NH; if you're interested in maritime history, you might head down to Mystic Seaport in Mystic, CT.


Laureltess t1_j29aadm wrote

Adding on to the Lexington and Concord Re-enactments- there is also a reenactment of Paul Revere’s ride! It’s fun to watch- we live on the route so they ride right by our porch. I would also recommend seeing the reading of the Declaration of Independence from the old state house in Boston on July 4th morning.


mightycranberry t1_j28vkdz wrote

I'm originally from NJ, moved to San Francisco, then to Massachusetts. Massachusetts is by far my favorite place to live.

  1. The historic buildings, graveyards, architecture, is so beautiful. Even down town in the heart of everything there are little nooks and cranies everywhere to explore.

  2. As someone who's been to San Francisco, and New York City, Boston is so clean compared to them (although New York is a pretty low bar to clear)

  3. I love how you can drive a few hours in almost any direction and get to explore a new state. When I first moved to Cali, it took me a bit to wrap my head around the fact I could drive for 12 hours straight and still be in the same state. (Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea)

  4. There's always something going on in or around the city.

  5. The FOOD! Seriously. Omg.

There's plenty more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Bottom line is Massachusetts is awesome and I love it here. I had the option to move back to NJ a few years ago after a breakup and I chose to stay here, alone, (because I'm crazy) because I like it here so much. I met my now husband shortly after that though.


areyouhappypappy t1_j29xb8l wrote

That's so funny; I'm originally from Vegas and went to undergrad in Idaho. The things I love most about MA are the seasons, the history, and the water. While you definitely don't get the mountains that you do in the west, I've found that the countryside and seascapes offer plenty to look at. Hiking in the area is pretty nice, especially in the fall. You have the White Mountains in NH, the Adirondacks in NY, and plenty of trails in MA around lakes, etc. I've really enjoyed my time out here.


no_clipping t1_j279md6 wrote

There are a lot of good things to this state, many that people have mentioned already, but you should also be prepared for the bad. The winters can be brutal and depressing, be prepared to spend the 3 coldest months barely ever seeing sunlight. The culture here is a lot more closed off than the rest of the country too. That's not to say people are unkind - but you may find it difficult to spontaneously make friends the way you can in other regions, it takes some deliberate effort.


WinsingtonIII t1_j28yxl3 wrote

They are coming from Idaho, they should be able to handle our winters. Boise actually gets less sun in the winter than Boston does, for instance 105 hours of sunlight in Boise in December versus 142 hours in Boston (it actually gets a smaller percent of its possible sunlight in the winter than Boston, only around 30-40% sunlight in winter in Boise versus 50-60% in Boston). That said, Boise is sunnier in the summer than Boston, and also much hotter and dryer in the summer.

Average winter temperatures are almost the same between Boise and here, it's a difference of only a couple degrees.


Equivalent_Warthog22 t1_j28lo3v wrote

Hi, I’m from California and have lived Washington state. Spent a good part of my life in the Sierras and the SF bay.

Lots of wonderfully community minded people here.

I haven’t seen anything I would call a mountain yet and not many coniferous trees. But, the landscape is pleasing. There’s great hiking and the summers are unbelievably lush. Nothing is that far away compared to Western standards, blink and you’re in Vermont-blink again and you’re in New Hampshire.

We have world class museums. The Gardner, MFA and MassMOCA are standouts. The Edward Gorey house in Barnstable is worth a trip.

I live the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts. it feels like home. High concentration of Universities and Organic farms.


HebrewHammer14 t1_j28pohc wrote

A good tip is a different career. Hard to afford to live here on a teachers salary


fairygrove t1_j299dg8 wrote

You might want to take vitamin D supplements after moving here. After living in a desert and high desert, the lack of sun will make you feel tired and you will think it's depression, but it's vitamin D deficiency. Large numbers of people in the NE have it.


Interested_Party2000 t1_j2bck8i wrote

Umm sorry to be a downer, but do not expect a friendly reception. Depending on where you settle, it might take your neighbors several years to warm up to you. Just sayin’.


bubalusarnee t1_j27obsv wrote

One thing that is great about MA history is how many damn books there are about it


rojothecat t1_j27qku4 wrote

I grew up in Nebraska and Kansas. I moved to MA during my junior year of high school. I went on a high school trip to Boston and walked the freedom trail. I was stunned by how old everything is. Nothing is that old in the west. I mean It is amazing to stand on the very spots that marked the start of American Revolution! Also you can go to a dispensary and get high on your walk. Also, the autumn is extraordinary in New England!! Cruise around the berkshires and western ma and just look!! Enjoy your life change! It’s going to be Epic!


Jpf123 t1_j27u42d wrote

Este lugar es muy carro. Tú eres rico??!


Commercial-Rise8387 t1_j28d5hj wrote

Interesting, the history is endless since this is where it all started. We couldn’t live long enough to learn all Massachusetts has to offer in history. Enjoy your journey, it will be exciting. Reach out again when you arrive. Enjoy. I would love to see this history from a new perspective.


Fabulously-humble t1_j28lxiv wrote

This area is dripping with history. I'm not kidding. You can hardly drive 5 straight miles without seeing a historical plaque.

This is where so and so general crossed this river with troops for such and such battle in the colonial war. This is where such and such tribe of Indians (the plaque doesn't say Native Americans but sometimes it does list the specific tribe) did this or that thing.

You'll regularly pass buildings that were erected in the early 1800s and drive through towns that were founded in the 1700s and even 1600s.

It's so common that as a resident I know all this and see it all the time but it hardly registers.


LeslieMarston t1_j28mtsh wrote

I would think the geography is better than Idaho, or at least as good. Plenty of mountains in New Hampshire and Maine, great hiking even near the Boston area, depends on your politics there are a lot more liberal people here and less trumpies, the cost of living is most definitely higher.


piggyazlea t1_j28s1ha wrote

About teaching - there are many history candidates and not enough history teacher jobs here in MA. Try to secure a job before moving here. There is a good chance you will have to sub for awhile if you don’t know anyone on a hiring committee for a position and aren’t one of the lucky ones.

Math, Science, SpED, and ESL have no problem getting jobs fairly quickly.

English, History/Social Studies, and electives (gym, art, etc) have a hard time getting jobs here with the number of potential candidates getting into the 100s per job posting.


boilermakerteacher t1_j2900xn wrote

Also, 99% of school hiring is on SchoolSpring. Just an FYI for OP.

But yes. As a history teacher in Massachusetts the market is beyond saturated.


dennho t1_j28u2hq wrote



sneakylyric t1_j28ukzt wrote

Enjoyable? Hmmm, for me I enjoy hiking, going to see live music, and eating the various types of food.

Also, I suggest investing in a shovel and sand for your car (if you have one). Also, never move a space saver out of a shoveled car space, you'll get your tires slashed. Driving here, in general, is wild.


chattykatdy54 t1_j28xj5a wrote

Honest to goodness, eastern mass is a very very expensive place to live. Hopefully you’ll be living with someone or planning on getting a second job as it would be nearly impossible to live completely on your own in eastern mass on just a teachers salary.


snagleradio78 t1_j290dbe wrote

Come to the Berkshires. We got james Taylor and Karen allen.


FlakyOrganization332 t1_j292j7h wrote

South Shore and Cape. Look up worst cities like Springfield, Brockton, Roxbury(Boston). Stay away from Fall River and New Bedford


PHD_Memer t1_j292ll5 wrote

Definitely some of the nature, try and get out west for the fall, the small towns (that havent been paved over for stroads and highways) in fall are probably the most peaceful places I have ever been. And while our prks are definitely small in comparison to what you may have seen in Idaho, they still have some beautiful spots. I think theres Mohawk trail out in the west that has our largest old growth forest, and while smaller than the biggest trees of the west coast and Old white Pine is still something great to see


Mysterious_Exam1425 t1_j297o98 wrote

As mentioned in a few other comments - when Fall rolls around take a trip into western Mass on the Mohawk Trail - Rte 2 - to enjoy the foliage... Every year bus tours bring hundreds of sightseer groups to see the magnificent autumn colours - you will enjoy, too...!!! 👍💯😉😎


MrsMurphysChowder t1_j29agoj wrote

The waterfalls of the Berkshires can't be missed. Lots of really great State Parks.


itallendsintears t1_j29hmwu wrote

It sucks and it’s expensive and we hate outsiders I hear Connecticut is great though! Check it out!


NotnotNeo t1_j29juxl wrote

Appalachian geology is no slouch, although mountain bike trails are generally known for the tree roots more than the rocks


Suspicious_Pay3300 t1_j29o6v7 wrote

Sorry we don’t need any more liberals coming to our state! We’re trying to keep the memory of our freedom trail alive to keep our republic free!


HeyaShinyObject t1_j29plc2 wrote

Come to Cape Cod between labor day and mid- to late October. The weather is mild and you can enjoy walking the beaches, restaurants and trails with fewer people than in July & August.


jpm01609 t1_j29qqje wrote

Stay in vegas


StarKickMeadowDancer t1_j29t33p wrote

Tbh, I love the food. The international cuisine is top notch!


j2e21 t1_j29zf37 wrote

Enjoy the summer because winter is coming.


eastcoastflava13 t1_j2a3v79 wrote

MA has a lot to offer, but I think you'll be surprised by the proximity to all the other New England states too. Each has its own specialness. Well maybe not CT.

Everything is within a few hours reach. Should be a nice change for you.


CazNevi t1_j2aevo8 wrote

Where are you moving in the state? Eastern or western?


Extension_Club57 t1_j2agsdh wrote

When driving, eye contact denotes right of way. Take that right on red. Yellow means speed up. Yielding is optional but you better hit it or they'll hit you... The rest is basically just knowing your dunks order, tipping well, saying "good n you?", Or telling people to fuck off.

Follow these tips and you'll fit right in.


Fair_Aspect_1010 t1_j2anws4 wrote

Beautiful place 💯 but you got to pick the right city the people in certain city's aren't always the nicest


[deleted] t1_j2cgrt1 wrote

Research were you plan to live before moving here (location).

Get the house inspected, because of our great historic structures some houses need work or have hazardous materials.