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NoMoLerking t1_j02f91o wrote


TattooedPolitician t1_j02its4 wrote

He plead guilty. Pretty much means he admits the the allegations in the police report to be true.


NoMoLerking t1_j02iwua wrote

So once he’s sentenced they’ll start the process of firing him.


PakkyT t1_j03anr1 wrote

I doubt they have to wait until he is sentenced. Plea is entered, therefore he is guilty of a felony and is now a sex offender. The sentence in immaterial and the town should fire him immediately.


NoMoLerking t1_j03boeq wrote

So, I actually read the article. He’s been on unpaid leave and now that he’s been sentenced, the town is meeting to decide what to do.

I just hate the armchair knee jerk shit. None of us know what will get the town sued. They fire him in a way that’s not allowed by the CBA, they’ll get sued. You can be sure of that. He’s not on duty, he’s not being paid. He’ll be fired. Relax.


Positive-Material t1_j04hs0c wrote

Usually, the prosecutor gives them immunity from any real punishment for pleading guilty, so it's really a get out of jail free card.