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goPACK17 t1_j10r4qp wrote

Imagine working tirelessly for decades to become a doctor and then just throwing it all away with the swing of a fist.


runesky77 t1_j11mtua wrote

For an NFT salesman, no less!


BlackstoneValleyDM t1_j11r0c9 wrote

What I was going to say, for a man who has turned his disaster of a presidency and legacy into digital superhero cards that look like they were lifted off a d-grade right-wing memes community from facebook


SeasonalBlackout t1_j15gauh wrote

Many of the photos were pulled directly off of Amazon product pages.

A little photoshop with Trump's head and voila - NFT!


whereswilkie t1_j1448g6 wrote

I'm going to be honest, if she was there, and would do something like that, I'm glad she'll have her medical license taken away.

She can't honestly treat ALL people with the same degree of healthcare if she follows that crowds mindset.


The-Shattering-Light t1_j146tls wrote

To be fair, though, I wouldn’t trust a doctor who bought into conspiracy bullshit like that - so I’m glad she removed herself.


Diligent_Friend_6107 t1_j15kkd4 wrote

If you knew how many physicians are super trump supporting you’d be shocked , grew up with lots of friends whose parents were physicians and super right leaning


The-Shattering-Light t1_j15lvtp wrote

Yeah, I’m an out gay woman, and very careful about my doctors. Luckily my PCP is awesome, and very much not right wing.


Positive-Material t1_j165vuy wrote

She should still be able to work as a doctor. Just because she is a Trump fanatic who got arrested, doesn't mean she can't diagnose people and prescribe pills. The two don't have anything to do with each other. Heck, we have a doctor who tells all the nurses that 'Hillary is a monster.' Lots of doctors legitimately have personality disorders..


_lucid_dreams t1_j171ffz wrote

There’s a certain code of conduct expected of you when you work with the public, and if one is willing to punch a police officer, completely unprovoked, I am going to go out on a limb and say that would be considered extremely unprofessional.


Positive-Material t1_j17i9h8 wrote

the AMA does not specify a code of conduct for doctors outside of their office hours.. just because you got into a fight because THE PRESIDENT brainwashed you into a cult and told you GO FORWARD.. technically, all the Jan 6 rioters were following an EXECUTIVE ORDER to fight from the President.. the president ordered them to do this basically the same way the minutemen were called to fight the British.. it is all gibberish, but he did it, and they believed it.. a doctor would not have their license pulled just because they got into a fight once.. it is not like they molested or robbed someone.. you don't have to be professional outside of your work.. doctors do not have to be perfect outside of work.. her workplace is not a political rally, so she would not be expected to attack the patients. A lot of doctors were part of legitimate mind control cults..