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waffles2go2 t1_j14p3p7 wrote

Reply to comment by MeEvilBob in Dunce by CloroxWipes1


Electrician is not an "Electrical Engineer" - sort of like "trade school" vs "one of the most difficult engineering majors..." but I understand your point.

Having said that.

When does MA/residential/owner stuff need state inspection?

Do people really call you to "inspect" their work? Do they expect you to sign something?

I'm confused.

EDIT: I LOVE THIS TOPIC! And no one seems to "get" that MA has no residential inspection requirements so if the OP is not outright lying (having multiple EEs call them to do inspections) then he is totally shitposting to gen hate against EEs for some strange reason). Sorry if you're too clever to see this...


ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_j17czlm wrote

>Electrician is not an "Electrical Engineer"

He should have left out the word "another", but if you had read and understood his comment, you'd know that was his entire point.

Electrical Engineers generally don't touch anything higher than 12V, and shouldn't be touching the wiring in their houses other than to plug things in.


waffles2go2 t1_j1amwht wrote

Words matter + I said I understood the rather "meme-ish" logic and thought it was BS....

Are you an EE? I'll take a stab and say "no"...

Who do you think built the power grid?