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goPACK17 t1_j10r4qp wrote

Imagine working tirelessly for decades to become a doctor and then just throwing it all away with the swing of a fist.


runesky77 t1_j11mtua wrote

For an NFT salesman, no less!


BlackstoneValleyDM t1_j11r0c9 wrote

What I was going to say, for a man who has turned his disaster of a presidency and legacy into digital superhero cards that look like they were lifted off a d-grade right-wing memes community from facebook


SeasonalBlackout t1_j15gauh wrote

Many of the photos were pulled directly off of Amazon product pages.

A little photoshop with Trump's head and voila - NFT!


whereswilkie t1_j1448g6 wrote

I'm going to be honest, if she was there, and would do something like that, I'm glad she'll have her medical license taken away.

She can't honestly treat ALL people with the same degree of healthcare if she follows that crowds mindset.


The-Shattering-Light t1_j146tls wrote

To be fair, though, I wouldn’t trust a doctor who bought into conspiracy bullshit like that - so I’m glad she removed herself.


Diligent_Friend_6107 t1_j15kkd4 wrote

If you knew how many physicians are super trump supporting you’d be shocked , grew up with lots of friends whose parents were physicians and super right leaning


The-Shattering-Light t1_j15lvtp wrote

Yeah, I’m an out gay woman, and very careful about my doctors. Luckily my PCP is awesome, and very much not right wing.


Positive-Material t1_j165vuy wrote

She should still be able to work as a doctor. Just because she is a Trump fanatic who got arrested, doesn't mean she can't diagnose people and prescribe pills. The two don't have anything to do with each other. Heck, we have a doctor who tells all the nurses that 'Hillary is a monster.' Lots of doctors legitimately have personality disorders..


_lucid_dreams t1_j171ffz wrote

There’s a certain code of conduct expected of you when you work with the public, and if one is willing to punch a police officer, completely unprovoked, I am going to go out on a limb and say that would be considered extremely unprofessional.


Positive-Material t1_j17i9h8 wrote

the AMA does not specify a code of conduct for doctors outside of their office hours.. just because you got into a fight because THE PRESIDENT brainwashed you into a cult and told you GO FORWARD.. technically, all the Jan 6 rioters were following an EXECUTIVE ORDER to fight from the President.. the president ordered them to do this basically the same way the minutemen were called to fight the British.. it is all gibberish, but he did it, and they believed it.. a doctor would not have their license pulled just because they got into a fight once.. it is not like they molested or robbed someone.. you don't have to be professional outside of your work.. doctors do not have to be perfect outside of work.. her workplace is not a political rally, so she would not be expected to attack the patients. A lot of doctors were part of legitimate mind control cults..


spewaskew t1_j11b4fg wrote

If convicted, she probably won’t mind losing the right to vote, what with all the election fraud.


ARC_32 t1_j139bqk wrote

In Massachusetts, convicted felons can still vote.


jayjayanotherround t1_j14f7gg wrote

That’s because they vote blue

Omg the fake internet points being downvoted. So painful. 🤣🤣🤣


ARC_32 t1_j14nixz wrote

No, that's because Massachusetts law. However it's interesting that the states where felons can lose their voting rights permanently are all red.


jayjayanotherround t1_j14o12f wrote

You think it would be an MA law if the inmates didn’t support ma incumbents?


ARC_32 t1_j14ou53 wrote

No, I don't think so. Statistically, many criminals don't even vote. This is a law because Massachusetts voters want it to be. Not because criminals are voting blue.


jayjayanotherround t1_j14q1q9 wrote



LordoftheFjord t1_j15dp6o wrote

No it’s true, I’ve talked about it with people before, even many conservative-leaning people I’ve talked to support felons with minor criminal records having the right to vote. Obviously things like participating in an insurrection attempt should be different though


jayjayanotherround t1_j15dxqt wrote

What part of felon is a minor crime to you?


LordoftheFjord t1_j163933 wrote

In Massachusetts people who are actively incarcerated cannot vote, once they are released that right is automatically restored but they must re-register. Multiple offenders don’t automatically get the right restored, as far as I can tell


Vaiiki t1_j123m19 wrote

She doesn't need to be able to vote if she's in jail. She can just legally run for office from jail.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j111u7a wrote

They're like Pokemen... Gotta catch them all.

The FBI is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building and committed various other alleged criminal violations, such as destruction of property, assaulting law enforcement personnel, targeting members of the media for assault, and other unlawful conduct, on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

You can call ‪1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) to verbally report tips and/or information related to this investigation, or submit a tip online at


Linux-Is-Best t1_j112r6i wrote

Downvote me all you want... Check my post history... I have helped the FBI catch 4 of you S.O.B.s and I regret nothing!


iSquash t1_j13csj9 wrote

This is what a real patriot looks like ^^^ keep getting those fuckers. Thanks for your work!


Psychogistt t1_j143hjz wrote

^ this is what’s known as a “useful idiot”


DaveDurant t1_j114foy wrote

Should be noted that you can report anonymously. They would obviously rather have you give creds but will understand and still appreciate it if you don't.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j114yc8 wrote

> Should be noted that you can report anonymously.

Absolutely. You can do so anonymously via the website and through the tip line. I encourage anyone who thinks they know something, to please say something.


_lucid_dreams t1_j1729av wrote

I used to lurk on a (now defunct) public pro-Trump message board, mainly because I was fascinated by their fear and misery. When they started rumbling about Jan 6 they were literally talking about bringing weapons, the tactical gear they had purchased, going to “war” and taking lives. I regret not reporting it. Figuring the Feds probably knew about the website already. Maybe they did, either way….I regret not reporting it. I took screen shots..


FreedomsPower t1_j11ijc9 wrote

someone I know did this after someone he knew from work bragged on facebook about it.


MeEvilBob t1_j12x01e wrote

FWIW, if the FBI wants to find the source of an anonymous tip, that's not gonna be hard for them.


SileAnimus t1_j11gkf6 wrote

It's not anonymous. They know who you are since most people don't mask their online presence. They just aren't going to go out of their way to talk to you if they don't have to.

Edit: If you think I'm wrong then anonymously submit random made up bullshit about serious crimes multiple times. If it's anonymous then nothing will happen, if it's not, then you'll get a knock at your door. There's no such thing as anonymity when you're on any government site unless you go out of your way to mask your digital signature.


DaveDurant t1_j11h9u9 wrote

You're saying they will not respect peoples wishes to remain anonymous?

Got a source for that?


SileAnimus t1_j11jgmz wrote

"Reporting anonymously" is not the same as "The FBI doesn't know who you are when reporting". If reporting to the FBI was anonymous, they would have no way to counteract spamming or flooding of their system. When you report anonymously, all you're telling them is "please don't contact me about this".

I don't know how to provide a source for something as basic as this. That's like asking to provide a source that air is air.


buried_lede t1_j11dzpe wrote

This is good but the government needs far more help getting up the nerve to file indictments against the top echelon of this attempted coup, Trump et al. If in the end hundreds of his followers go to jail and none of them are even charged, I will have the worst belly ache.


Psychogistt t1_j143kw9 wrote

Imagine encourage people to snitch to the FBI. You must’ve been the most annoying kid in school


buried_lede t1_j11djwr wrote

Scary to think of a doctor falling for the logic and reasoning of the Trump putsch, especially a dr from a top, nationally ranked hospital.


squid_so_subtle t1_j127xxg wrote

Experts of all kinds are often foolish and overconfident in realms outside their expertise.


MeEvilBob t1_j12wjl7 wrote

As an electrician, I can't bring myself to enter another electrical engineer's house. They have a very strong grasp on how electricity works but they typically don't know anything at all about building codes and standard practices because that's not what they were trained to do. The issue I have is all the DIY modifications to the house's electrical system. A common theme with EEs is doing all the work themselves then calling an electrician because for some reason they think a licensed electrician will risk their entire reputation by claiming to do the work themselves for code/insurance purposes.

To be clear, I'm not talking about construction engineers, I'm talking about people who mostly design circuit boards for electronic products. Any commercial or industrial electrician can give you a bunch of clueless/arrogant building engineer stories, but in my experience the vast majority know exactly what they're doing.


Dizzy_De_De t1_j14uof6 wrote

I feel this comment so hard right in the ❤️. My Dad was an electrical engineer. Our home was jury rigged to within an inch of its life.

When he passed my mother had a a new service installed and the entire house rewired b/c she couldn't maintain it.


waffles2go2 t1_j14p3p7 wrote


Electrician is not an "Electrical Engineer" - sort of like "trade school" vs "one of the most difficult engineering majors..." but I understand your point.

Having said that.

When does MA/residential/owner stuff need state inspection?

Do people really call you to "inspect" their work? Do they expect you to sign something?

I'm confused.

EDIT: I LOVE THIS TOPIC! And no one seems to "get" that MA has no residential inspection requirements so if the OP is not outright lying (having multiple EEs call them to do inspections) then he is totally shitposting to gen hate against EEs for some strange reason). Sorry if you're too clever to see this...


ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_j17czlm wrote

>Electrician is not an "Electrical Engineer"

He should have left out the word "another", but if you had read and understood his comment, you'd know that was his entire point.

Electrical Engineers generally don't touch anything higher than 12V, and shouldn't be touching the wiring in their houses other than to plug things in.


waffles2go2 t1_j1amwht wrote

Words matter + I said I understood the rather "meme-ish" logic and thought it was BS....

Are you an EE? I'll take a stab and say "no"...

Who do you think built the power grid?


waffles2go2 t1_j1dnqmo wrote

Ooof, so an electrician, who knows wiring and code, is more of an expert than someone who actually got a degree in EE? Sort of like a nurse is smarter than a doctor?

Who do you think wrote the code and designed the parts?

Who do you think designed the power grid?

Did you even think about this?

Perhaps demonstrating that you don't now what an EE does while claiming to not trust folks "outside their realms of expertise" is not the flex you think it is?


FuzzAldrin36 t1_j120f4u wrote

This is that extra the thing for me also. Doctors have a professional obligation to science, and that obligation informs the health of every patient and kind of requires them to recognize fact and essentially not be batshit crazy.

It's troubling that someone in that kind of position can be so lacking of reasonable judgement and a moral psychology.


[deleted] t1_j12hdjj wrote

This is why conservatives need to be shunned from friend groups. They’re literally just bad people.


buried_lede t1_j12whms wrote

Downvoted by someone but I agree with you. Since the party went full out rogue, actively shunning seems to be an appropriate response. When I think of some republicans I know, I have to say, I don’t flat out shun so much as keep some distance, and never fail to disapprove of every expressed hint of the kind of values that led to the insurrection. I never let them feel accepted when it’s in play. That’s maybe not shunning fully but it is targeted shunning.


Old-Resource8260 t1_j13e9r5 wrote



[deleted] t1_j13ek6k wrote


It’s ok you can be the one who hangs out with people that support making fun of handicapped people, who don’t consider gay/trans people to be human, who would rather kill their neighbor than wear a mask, steal elections, destroy women, and literally bully everyone who doesn’t align with their weirdo 1950s cult

We fight for democracy here, not you sniveling little traitors.

Fuck off you disgusting scum. Burn in hell.


Old-Resource8260 t1_j13mfg6 wrote

Fighting words....bring it mf


[deleted] t1_j13mm7i wrote

Maintaining basic democratic standards isn’t fighting words you piece of fucking shit. Thanks for proving the point though.


Old-Resource8260 t1_j13pd68 wrote

Democratic.....standards? Is that an oxymoron? Democrat, socialist, Marxist or just plain fucking commie, your party is out to destroy America so fkstks like you can lay around all day collecting your basic income.

And we aren't going to let you.

When you broadbrush those who don't share your opinions and warped ideologies, you show what an ignorant, uninformed, fool you are. The day is coming, friend, when those right wing conservatives (and there are more of them than you know)are going to make your existence "the suck".

I'm a libertarian by the way. I don't give 2 fucks about how anyone conducts their lives, like most of us out here. Live, and let live. Stay the fuck out of my grill, shut your fucking pie hole, and read a history book about the USA, and maybe you'll survive "the suck".


ChefBoyAreWeFucked t1_j17ed57 wrote

Lol, "I'm a libertarian, live and let live. Oh, also, we will make your life miserable."


Cgr86 t1_j13n9o5 wrote

You’d be surprised to learn that you can show a doctor evidence based medicine, but their concern is bottom line because of their insurance premiums when prescribing expensive medications. Yet, these medications can save lives.


buried_lede t1_j16xjcl wrote

I wonder. A lawyer I know did the same thing. He’s a good lawyer. He’s perfectly capable of evaluating evidence and grasping cause and effect. MAGA was deemed more important than truth, than anything, really. So he would flat out lie, draw conclusions that were irrational. I pressed him on it hard one day and he said it was a matter of faith and that we were in a battle of good against evil.


jcowurm t1_j12j3z2 wrote

The first mistake you can ever make is thinking your doctors are smart.

Intelligent, sure, not smart. Anything deviates from the staus quo, anything presented to them differentky then how they learned and they have no idea. A robot with no pliability. I am not surprised they fall for this stuff.


Vanilloideae t1_j13h55e wrote

I've literally had a doctor Google my treatment in front of me. It was an animal bite.


Comfortable-Scar4643 t1_j13maxg wrote

Somehow, there are people who have sympathy for these people. Like they got radicalized or hoodwinked by someone. Sorry, these are adults. Adults making adult decisions. Time to be accountable for your adult decisions.


Anthropomorphotic t1_j14cvqq wrote

She didn't fall for anything. She saw an opportunity to be who she really is. Trump-MAGA-Q provides a convenient emotional/intellectual alibi to be a fucking disgusting human.


Dseltzer1212 t1_j14rcm2 wrote

Fifty percent of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class


[deleted] t1_j10uvpe wrote



bubalusarnee t1_j11en4k wrote

our left is a lot stronger than her left, by the looks of that photo


petal14 t1_j12oz8z wrote

Maybe she was a follower of “Dr Northrop”. That woman sank right down into the Q- mindset


arnoldsaysterminated t1_j122u0w wrote

How much you want to bet she flew blue lives matter bullshit all over the place before this incident. Very Smart.


Comfortable-Scar4643 t1_j13mmix wrote

I live in Massachusetts, and you see a lot of signs about how the person living in that house supports the police. No shit. We all support the police. We’re against the police that Break the law and effectively make good cops look bad. It’s astounding. You’re going to support bad cops? Or you’re gonna question the legitimacy of an election because some New York real estate developer tells you that you should? And therefore by any means necessary you’re going to overturn the result? Including attacking the police? Makes no sense.


TacticalBill t1_j13ttog wrote

Respectfully, you don’t speak for me in MA. We do not all support the police. Happy Holidays, cheers!


Syncope7 t1_j14j88z wrote

You had better not pay taxes then. That goes right to their salaries!


WhittlingDan t1_j159o45 wrote

Those taxes also support things like healthcare, schools, social services, safety regulations, and more. Taxes are a necessity of a civilized society, one that cares for its members. Not Eve is perfect. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I will pay my taxes happily, but also vote, speak out for what is right and for those needing help, and physical get involved with the community, with protests and an assortment of other actions.


ButterAndPaint t1_j140k73 wrote

>No shit. We all support the police.

No, we do not. The mayor of Boston does not, and obviously it's a popular position because she got elected.


Gerryislandgirl t1_j12zbww wrote

“ She apparently told her friend she planned to the "Stop the Steal" rally and was prepared because she was going to wear a knife-proof shirt and had a bottle of pepper spray.

Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital said she no longer works there and her bio now goes to a dead link. Her LinkedIn says she was an addiction specialist.”

A friend saw her photo & turned her in.


Psychogistt t1_j142o1z wrote

Right out of the book 1984. Friends snitching on each other to the FBI. Unbelievable.


pelican_chorus t1_j144m2l wrote

Friends (or acquaintances, were they even really friends?) telling the cops that someone assaulted police officers in an attempt to overthrow democracy is a good thing.

Keeping crimes under a code of silence is something out of a mafia novel. Omertà, maybe.


Psychogistt t1_j14cirr wrote

In an attempt to overthrow democracy? That’s quite some hyperbole


pelican_chorus t1_j14e26n wrote

It's literally not. They wanted to scare congress into not counting votes. They wanted to scare Mike Pence into not accepting the results.

The law agrees with me. Over 900 people have been charged with insurrection so far, and many convicted of it, by a wide variety of courts including judges Trump appointed. Do you know what "insurrection" means?


Psychogistt t1_j14epsm wrote

You think a group of unarmed people were going to overthrow the entire US government including the military? Do you realize how insane that sounds?


pelican_chorus t1_j14mq9h wrote

They didn't need to overthrow the military, they just needed to convince Mike Pence not to accept the count and that would have thrown the country into chaos.


MrRileyJr t1_j148y8x wrote

No, a citizen reported a domestic terrorist


Psychogistt t1_j14cehd wrote

A domestic terrorist?


MrRileyJr t1_j14ksw2 wrote

Yes. Everyone who participated in January 6th is, by definition, one.


Psychogistt t1_j14roz1 wrote

How so? That seems like a huge stretch


MrRileyJr t1_j14tpb4 wrote

Not even remotely huge, some people in this country are just too obsessed with optics & civility. From the FBI:

>​Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

There's no way you can look at January 6th and say, with a straight face, that it doesn't fit the bill. It was literally an attempted coup to overthrow the government because Lil' Donny was mad he still didn't win an election he tried so desperately to stack in his favor.

And before you start with the whataboutisms, because your comments scream that you would: BLM was not part of the riots and actively condemned them. Anyone with a brain knows they were thugs disconnected from the movement, using it as a cover and/or trying to paint them in a negative light...partially because it's been proven time and time again. Huge difference between them and these people who were actively plotting this, followed through, were proud of it, & bragged they were there.

These were all domestic terrorists. Stop being a domestic terrorist sympathizer.


unrulywordss t1_j11kvfa wrote

Definitely don’t need doctors like this taking care of people…


Davidicus12 t1_j1113nx wrote

Bye bye ambitions, hopes and dreams. Hope it was worth it.


hdjunkie t1_j1213gj wrote

Lock her up!


PuritanSettler1620 t1_j11m6ee wrote

This is very disgraceful that someone from our commonwealth was involved very sad!


ItsMeTK t1_j11rrn6 wrote

Guys, people from the Commonwealth are involved in all manner of crime and idiocy. It’s like you people have never been to Brockton.


pslessard t1_j12770k wrote

Of course I've been to Brockton. They've got a great Papa Geno's there


We_R_Chaos t1_j137e8x wrote

Had she only done it in the name of blm she would be considered a hero and not charged


TrueNateDogg t1_j12kxn3 wrote

Just because you're a trained professional doesn't mean you're not a fucking idiot..ask my mom, Nurse in Marlborough


Gus_Pummels t1_j14leoa wrote

This is proof that not all doctors are smart, which is what most of the idiots on Jan 6 believe


Dazzling-Chicken-192 t1_j12xmwa wrote

She needs to be stripped of her professional licenses, prosecuted and thrown under the jail for treason. Straight up trash.


leezus52 t1_j14wlvf wrote

Her WebMD reviews are hilarious at the moment


Gerantos t1_j13gqi0 wrote

Doctors are like any other group of people. Some winners and a whole lot of loosers.


cokane_88 t1_j13i827 wrote

She's 68 and I think retired... Throw you away


rap202 t1_j141pgb wrote

It’s amazing how our government can identify everyone involved in this event but they have such a hard time getting the fentanyl off our streets. When protection is for them it’s considered important I guess. Please correct me if I am wrong


jayjayanotherround t1_j14f21b wrote

Obviously a trained fighter with her lip between her teeth.


ZookeepergameOk8231 t1_j14pxd6 wrote

There has to be something wrong with her mental state. She cannot possibly be this stupid.


LadyPaleRider t1_j14qjsi wrote

Girl you're from Ma... who tf told you to be racist


Own-Suit5786 t1_j14vpxi wrote

My dentist was Q. Didn’t realize it until way too late.


BigFrankee t1_j151x5j wrote

Guys, she’s board-certified in OB-Gyn yet she’s practicing “addiction medicine.” This is likely quackery. A lot of people are opening up “ketamine clinics” to help people detox from addiction but as a person trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology she would have no idea what she’s doing, other than separating people from their money. I got this from the Board of Registration in Medicine, by the way. It’s public information.


WhittlingDan t1_j15b2ga wrote

Ketamine clinics for addiction? Im a recovering addict and have never heard of this. I did just recently look into a nearby clinic that does Ketamine therapy for treatment resistant depression. How is it being used for addiction treatment?

Edit: I Google it and most of what little I saw was vague and was tied to the use for treatment resistant depression. I'd love any sources/information you have as this applies to me in different ways.


BigFrankee t1_j15qcgq wrote

It’s fairly new and not well studied. That said, I have definitely heard of people opening these treatment centers in order to make a fast buck.

I’m an anesthesiologist; I handle these medications every day and I wouldn’t feel comfortable using ketamine for the purpose of detoxing someone without knowing a lot more than I already do. If you feel this could be helpful I’d look for one run by a psychiatrist with or without the addition of a pharmacologist or an anesthesiologist.

My point in this post is that an OB-Gyn has no business doing that without loads more training. An MD does not confer knowledge of everything. As we all recall, a board-certified cardiologist managed to kill Michael Jackson with propofol.

Im happy for you that you are on a recovery path and I hope you find things that help you along the way.

See also for example


ThoriumActinoid t1_j13tl5x wrote

The real masshole that come out the wood since 2016.


Cold-Try6621 t1_j145nlj wrote

You should trust the doctors


jaybee62 t1_j11kcew wrote

Anonymous =Rat ship! Eventually, you all turn on each other...


johnmh71 t1_j129f7d wrote

No dumber than all the people hitting cops the Summer prior during the Antifa riots.


ItsMeTK t1_j11rnea wrote

I’m going to reserve some judgment because I don’t know what preceded this alleged assault. Everyone deserves the presumption of innocence. (I thought you all thought all cops were bastards, right?)

If guilty, she shows very poor judgment. But I don’t support prosecuting in the court of public opinion.


mylies43 t1_j11va9m wrote

She broke into a federal building? Its in the photo?


ItsMeTK t1_j11xlt0 wrote

Not everyone in the building broke in. Some were let in. Every American deserves the benefit of the doubt. Totally understand charging her, which is the right call. But I’m not jumping on a bandwagon of hate without context.


Apprehensive-Hat-494 t1_j125n5w wrote

Let in by a)Cops who were getting sprayed in the face by chemical irritants and beaten with brass knuckles, or b)Individuals illegally inside a building.


ItsMeTK t1_j1292ln wrote

No, by c. There is clear video of groups of people peaceably let in by law enforcement.


Kahlessandro t1_j12dme8 wrote

Jacquie, we know it's you. Turn yourself in. This isn't going to get any better.


MrRileyJr t1_j149mpk wrote

The context is in the pictures: this domestic terrorists was part of an attempted coup, and broke several laws by even being present.


ItsMeTK t1_j14z0py wrote

That’s a lot of buzzwords to say “presumed guilty”.


MrRileyJr t1_j156xaf wrote

When there’s video evidence, along with other evidence?

No, you’re just a domestic terrorist sympathizer.


ItsMeTK t1_j15gjxy wrote

I’m reserving judgment until I know the full extent of her guilt or innocence. That’s the right of every American. But if we’re talking “terrorist sympathizers”, how do you feel about Antifa or all the BLM riots and looting?


MrRileyJr t1_j15os97 wrote

There's literally zero reason to reserve judgment in this case. Read my reply to another person on this thread, she is a textbook domestic terrorist (along with everyone else present at the Capitol at that time).

People like you need to stop downplaying the severity of what happened and what it means for our democracy.


ItsMeTK t1_j15rlc9 wrote

I’m not downplaying. She allegedly assaulted a cop and I take that seriously. But as a matter of law and rights she has the presumption of innocence until this is proven, and I need proof it was willful, and not retaliatory for something police instigated, for example. There’s good circumstantial evidence this is unlikely, but it still fella gross and unAmerican to me to drag her through the dirt online and cheer her losing her job and “other” her before her case is heard. However, I do support her arrest because it seems to have merit.

Abd I am fairly consistent in this philosophy regardless of the accused. Amber Heard is an abusive piece if crap, but I don’t support removing her from Aquaman as retribution, for example.

And “domestic terrorist” is a very serious accusation, One which I refuse to use lightly. As yet I haven’t seen evidence of terrorism. No, being present at the Capitol is not enough.,


MrRileyJr t1_j15yuoo wrote

>No, being present at the Capitol is not enough.,

Yes, it was given the context. She was there unlawfully, everyone there was told it was unlawful, everyone was told to leave and didn't. Stop downplaying and defending domestic terrorists.

Done responding to you, you're obviously commenting in bad faith.


ItsMeTK t1_j161kek wrote

So trespassing is terrorism?

When will we see prosecution of the punks setting off explosives and blinding police night after night at the federal building in Portland? THAT was domestic terrorism.