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Ok_Translator_7026 t1_j0vez03 wrote

Is he in the sex offender registry? If so wouldn’t he still be just with a new last name? And they list the crime convictions as well. Also I think they list aliases which would mostly likely be his former name. And the more news stories about the case the more it will be out there and found with a google search. I mean fuck him, but the name change won’t hide him and his awful crimes from anyone IF he is a registered rapist


PoopChuteChomper t1_j0vg1m4 wrote

OP wrote “He is not required to be on a sex registry.” Which begs the question, why?


Ok_Translator_7026 t1_j0vgq09 wrote

How in the hell is he not? That’s insane. I would assume the registry is made for people exactly like him. That’s honestly shocking. With that new data , I 100percent see the outrage and would think myself that he is absolutely trying to hide it all. Still, how in the hell is he not considered a predator after committing such a violent sexual crime🤦‍♂️


GeniusBtch OP t1_j0vowsn wrote

"He was found guilty of of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, malicious destruction of property and witness intimidation."

This was his second offence, the first was when he secretly taped a woman during sex with a hidden camera and then when she broke up with him forwarded the tape to her new boyfriend. He was on parole when he attacked his new girlfriend.


Ok_Translator_7026 t1_j0vph4s wrote

Damn. Most people would still be in prison for the first charge. Seems to be a pattern of behavior. I have a hard time thinking he’d change his behavior considering how minor the consequences have been for him thus far. I’m all for rehabilitation and redemption but this is a pattern that is increasingly violent.


39goingon50 t1_j0wzflm wrote

>most people

So uh. Did you see the part where his former state trooper grandfather, with whom he lived at the time of the offense, testified on his behalf?



Abject-Rich t1_j0wpfzg wrote

These behaviours are enabled, encouraged, perpetuated, and role modeled by the tribes of these kind.


39goingon50 t1_j0wzsox wrote

Can you be a little more specific regarding who you’re talking about when referring to “tribes of these kind”?


Abject-Rich t1_j0x4uki wrote

Mostly their leaders…..someone in the community with power…..these behavior is perpetuated, and re-framed. We must change the pattern. This gem is probably a victim of something too.


39goingon50 t1_j0x4y8i wrote

Okay, but…who is “they”…?


Abject-Rich t1_j0x5b4a wrote

In this case; particularly; I dare say, the grandpa that didn’t hear anything? He learned that shit somewhere early. To find pleasure in obscene power……and on and on…..


Abject-Rich t1_j0x5lcc wrote

Who are the enablers? Who saw and kept quiet? Who pay that legal bill? Those people. I’ll leave my child in jail. The end. He is nothing.


39goingon50 t1_j0x5wo1 wrote

Eh - fight for your child to get help, not just rot in jail. Doesn’t mean justice can’t be had for their victims.

That said, doesn’t sound like your child will have such problems.


Abject-Rich t1_j0x70us wrote

Clearly, am being dramatic for show. But the foundation is there. Dear, there was a terrible case in a community in Brooklyn; am not gonna say nada, read my peeps…….point is that the subject was found with freezers filled with childrens’ parts…a butcher? I wanna forget……


anonymisskel t1_j0w6oj6 wrote

From the article: "Because there were no formal sex-crime charges in her case against Curtis, he's not registered as a sex offender and so changing his name eliminates the most easily accessible link to the crimes he committed, Rowland said."

It's fucked up.


Ksevio t1_j0wkcij wrote

Come to think of it, it's a little weird we have a sex offenders registry, but not like an abusive torturer registry. Major loophole there


funkygrrl t1_j0wmvls wrote

Or assault and battery/aggravated assault registry. I'd like to know if someone has seriously assaulted others.


Ok_Translator_7026 t1_j0vh568 wrote

I clearly missed the not required part, thank you for pointing that out to me


Chippopotanuse t1_j0vhy6v wrote

How is he not in jail for life? I’m sorry, but he should never be allowed to walk as a free man in public again.


scottieducati t1_j0w808o wrote

Cop family. Pretty obvious


Abject-Rich t1_j0wq6xv wrote

This happens all the time. A few years back the son of an baseball announcer was released and in the realm of 72 hours; his ex was murdered by him in front of her child…..don’t quote me. The importance of consequences.


Chippopotanuse t1_j0wru49 wrote

Jerry Remy’s kid? That was awful. What a scumbag he was. And a super long record of horrific domestic violence arrests prior to killing her. Something like 19 different arrests for violence…


Abject-Rich t1_j0yyj15 wrote

19 times, my friend. In my book; the system; which is composed by humans, literally, aided in her murder. Penance is there for a very good reason. Impunity is bad. If you do the crime; be ready for the time. Simple.


Chippopotanuse t1_j0z07wg wrote

100% the system and the judges involved failed her and her child. This wasn’t an unforeseeable event. It was highly predictable.


Abject-Rich t1_j0z1hmt wrote

Judges are under the pressure of the establishment (police, selectmen, etc.)


OppositeProgress5421 t1_j0wrncx wrote

There are certain offenses that allow for submission to the sex offender registry for classification. These were not any of them.


Ok_Translator_7026 t1_j0x1y0r wrote

I had assumed the forced sex act with the dog would have landed him on it. Guess they changed and or negotiated that out.


OppositeProgress5421 t1_j0x3eya wrote

Animal cruelty was the charge. It’s not the facts that indicate which charges are ones that require SORB classification but the charge itself. Unfortunately for circumstances like this that’s the way the law is written.


Ok_Translator_7026 t1_j0x41e2 wrote

I get it, I’d have thought it may fall under some kinda bestiality charge. I assume those are a thing that could land you on a SO reg. Not well versed in that area. Eitherway the guy is clearly a shit bag excuse for a human


OppositeProgress5421 t1_j0x7ice wrote

Oh yeah definitely a shit bag. This is my area of expertise 😅 it is unfortunate the way the law is set up. There are charges for orchestrating such acts but he wasn’t charged with it and I don’t believe it falls under the offenses that a person could be classified under. It’s foul. He will end up back in jail, believe me. I’m from Falmouth, I knew the guy back in the day. He won’t be out of trouble for long.


sourdoughobsessed t1_j0xswan wrote

But what about his next victim? That’s my concern.


OppositeProgress5421 t1_j0xwxot wrote

We share the same concern. There is nothing we can do except support the victim in her fight against him. Make sure people know who he is. She has a Facebook dedicated to her mission and it needs support from people like us to share her story of survival and hope and make sure everyone know who he is.