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March_Latter t1_j1r9vmd wrote

Supply chain issues on these projects are two years old so any claim they didn't see this problem coming is a lie or incompetence.


Cobrawine66 t1_j1rpo9g wrote

It's a lie. These companies don't care about climate change just the $$$


bemest t1_j1vjjzn wrote

And now they want to fleece taxpayers to subsidize their economically untenable power.


[deleted] t1_j1rrnvt wrote



Cobrawine66 t1_j1rvlvy wrote

And it's not even "green", it's just alternative.


March_Latter t1_j1rzeej wrote

Exactly. The problem these folks have is they forgot nobody cared about the economics of the bids....just the narrative. They could have charged double.


gongnomore t1_j1snows wrote

Actually not a lie or incompetence, development costs have skyrocketed and a key part of that is oil price, labor agreements and currency market anomalies. An example is dayrate to charter a vessel to support development has gone from 14k of to 32k in eight months due to increased demand in GoM.


March_Latter t1_j1u1taa wrote

I am deeply embedded in the supply chain. Summer of 21 I could have easily told you costs were moving upward at an unprecedented rate with no end in sight. You know what happened after contractors were informed of the situation? They bid jobs pennies over cost and then acted surprised they could not afford to do the job. You can claim hundreds of issues that led to this but in every sector everyone was informed costs in the future were a guess at best and to factor that in.