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BlueJay_NE t1_j1pjmhf wrote

Have you considered moving to Florida or Texas? I think you would be much happier in either of those states. Just give it some thought…


[deleted] OP t1_j1plool wrote

No ,my grandfather was a Belchertown Cop


beefsquaaatch t1_j1pz2qc wrote

I didn’t know your grandpa used to be a piece of shit


MoltenMirrors t1_j1ptf4x wrote

"The concerns about Amherst policing  increased following the post-midnight response over the summer that, with cellphone footage, showed an officer telling youths they have no rights, "

Kind of sounds like the police devalued themselves just fine without our help.


Awuxy t1_j1pxu98 wrote

Amherst cops go on power trips literally all the fucking time. They'll just go into our houses, even the ones off campus ones without a warrant if we have a party. They're all a bunch of fucking cocksuckas.


RickWest495 t1_j1qe4hz wrote

So gay copsbare coming to your parties to find sexual partners? That’s kinda awful.


LackingUtility t1_j1pwtht wrote

From the article, staffing is down in part because the town created an unarmed response team that can handle non-violent emergencies. That seems like a good idea, particularly if the police are unable to handle such things professionally.


MajorProblem50 t1_j1pw5vk wrote

I see teachers have to buy their own supplies for their classes while police get a huge fucking command center which they fuck around on during events. How about you share some of your "support" to equally if not more important men and women of society that doesn't get the same media propaganda? What about healthcare? Mental healthcare? Social workers? Teachers? Forest rangers? Sanitation workers? I could point out more social occupations that our society needs but aren't a focus of the media's tool for brainwashing. They all have more effect on your daily lives than law enforcement: keeping your street clean, keeping us healthy, our children educated, our infrastructure intact, etc...

Get your mind out of the gutter and leave the herd.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j1pytgj wrote

AND if we invested in education and social services more we might be able to prevent some of the shit we need heavily armed police for


Own-Suit5786 t1_j1pktmb wrote

What’s the problem 46 to 38 officers, with the university having its own cadre of cops with seriously bad attitudes. Lil’ ol’ Amherst seems well covered.


Own-Suit5786 t1_j1plfru wrote

Sounds like they’re saving a couple government bucks


[deleted] OP t1_j1plyow wrote

Lets hope it works out just remember Umass has jurisdiction on Umass property and Amherst swells to 70,000 in the school year and many live off campus.And 2nd many students living on campus committ crime off campus and the Umass police don't have jurisdiction on Umass students unless there on campus.


joeyrog88 t1_j1po0qe wrote

"Many students living on campus commit crimes off campus." Where is that information coming from?

14000 students live on campus. Are you saying that most of those 14000 commit crimes off campus or that of the 14000 that commit crimes, most of those happen off campus? Either way where does that information come from?


[deleted] OP t1_j1po9c8 wrote

Common sense ,and I didn't say all 14,000 committ crimes either only that the Umass police can't police every student


Cheap_Coffee t1_j1qcwfh wrote

Made up facts are the best facts, aren't they?

You, sir, are no better than the Amherst students.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j1qcsec wrote

"Many students living on campus commit crimes off campus..."

Oh? "Many" Please elaborate with details and citations.


[deleted] OP t1_j1qd52u wrote

Obviously don't have that info,but we can speculate that the UMass population figures to Amherst crime.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j1qe4bq wrote

That's called prejudice and is the exact reason people don't trust police.

It also makes you a liar.

Might I suggest you don't continue to try to defend police. You're doing more harm than good.


DernKala1975 t1_j1q3xzt wrote

Google says UMass is 22,000 undergraduates and 2,500 grad students = 24,500 by my math.


[deleted] OP t1_j1qbssd wrote

Yes,exactly ,I said 70,000 total Amherst residents including full time year round residents plus and Amherst and Hampshire colleges.I never said 70K at Umass.


catWarlord t1_j1pspbg wrote

Congratulations, you see the corruption and instead of calling for reform and a rethink of what police do, you fell for the right wing culture war defund narrative.


tonythebolognapony t1_j1q2oxw wrote

How is it knowing that Massachusetts is the smartest state in the US despite having you in it?


[deleted] OP t1_j1qcmvw wrote

I'm part of why it's so smart LOL


qwrrty t1_j1q2ph5 wrote

Perhaps if the police don’t like the way the public views them, they should try a little more protecting and serving and a little less beating and smashing.


MattOLOLOL t1_j1qbq9i wrote

OP posts like someone trying to satirize a boomer. You're a parody of yourself my friend.


Awuxy t1_j1pxosh wrote

Why police should be* defended and* devalued


nlopq t1_j1q58el wrote

They devalue themselves. Sure is needed in certain circumstances but most of the time should a better job and be held 100% no bullshit of immunity and what not.


no_clipping t1_j1qfvex wrote

Literally the only people who say "woke" are demented neanderthals who have spent the last 20 years of their lives living under a rock. Get a fuckin life dude


Wolfdogpump66 t1_j1qbw13 wrote

Whats overtime sitting in the woods waiting for grandma to speed home from church or standing and directing traffic at the local plaza 🙄🙄


DernKala1975 t1_j1q5su9 wrote

Did anyone actually read the article? The Amherst PD is losing officers to lower paying departments because the police feel devalued and are working in what they consider to be an anti-police climate in town. Direct quote: “They’re seeing what’s been said and written about them, and it’s affecting them.”

The 70,000 students number that OP uses above is wrong but either way anyone that went to UMass can’t deny that the police have their hands full with off campus parties and the bars in town, on top of their regular policing work. I don’t live in Amherst but if I did I’d be concerned about this.

Maybe this is asking too much for Reddit but I feel like we can acknowledge that this is an actual issue, but do so without throwing around Fox News culture war BS like “woke mob” etc.


Cheap_Coffee t1_j1qb4q5 wrote

Amherst ends up with less police (which seems to be what they want) and the police find a job in a town which values them.

Win-win? Karma, at the very least... for Amherst at least.


[deleted] OP t1_j1qbif3 wrote

I said 70K total Amherst population,I never said 70K UMass students.

Remember you have 40,000 full time Amherst resident plus Amherst and Hampshire colleges.I think UMass is in the ballpark of 25-30 K students


pollogary t1_j1qxc7h wrote

This is not the conclusion to draw…


mjkj393 t1_j1q33i5 wrote

OP likes when cops give him cavity searches.


[deleted] OP t1_j1qchvz wrote

I totally do ,I get arrested on purpose all the time LOL


Syncope7 t1_j1q0fhh wrote

Surely this post will be received well by the open minded public


Cheap_Coffee t1_j1qbeap wrote

Yes, the Massachusetts-related Reddits are known for their tolerance and open-minds.

No, I'm not a conservative. I'm just honest.


[deleted] OP t1_j1phw32 wrote



[deleted] OP t1_j1piaad wrote

No shit eh!!


Conservative_Taliban t1_j1pwq2g wrote

Lol you people are literally stupid, just go sit in front of your Fox News and mourn your 1950s culture we smothered. You lost 😊