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Positive-Material t1_j0rwa0x wrote

Send him to the ER. Period. Call 911, have EMS transport him if he is suicidal.


He should get locked up on the psych ward for example in St Elizabeth's or any other community hospital locked psych ward due to DEPRESSION and SUICIDAL ATTEMPTS. Then he should be in a 'Partial Program' with antidepressive and antipsychotic meds. He should apply to Medicaid. Send him to any Emergency Room and have their social worker and discharge planner arrange all of that.

The Partial Program has plenty of depressed recently suicidal people whose wives left them and who spent their life savings at the strip club. When I was there, one guy spent his social security check at the strip club over a weekend and had to fast for the rest of the month. Another guy's wife left him. One woman was a pothead but had a job. This is the place for him as he is mentally ill right now and unstable.

The fraud thing is not the primary issue here. He should get Medicaid, Foodstamps, and apply to affordable housing programs.