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biddily t1_j0wddvr wrote

Im on the corner of Popes Hill and Neponset. Right smack dab in the middle of the shit show.

Tenean is better than it had been, but its still got issues, and it could backslide so easily. And being right around the corner from the comfort, its an ideal place for people staying there to go to get away if they wanted to do something away from oversight. There or the path behind the murphy.


bdeeney098 t1_j0wegk4 wrote

Yup (I used to hang on that path back in the day) and I forgot to even mention victory road park! It's crazy for them to want to put a program like this here! I know it's hard to find reasonable places for housing but this is just such a true neighborhood and community there's no reason to even rub such a risk. There are much, much more appropriate places for then to do it.