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ItalianMama95 OP t1_j2jzdwe wrote

Excuse you, maybe if you had read other comments then you would learn that I did make moves for my own place. I was in transitional housing. My sons daycare closed in June suddenly so I lost my job due to lack of childcare. I couldn’t just leave him with family or a friend because I have none in the us. If I can’t work, guess what, I can’t pay the fee to stay in transitional housing. The shelter gave me 30 days notice and said I had to leave. My mother bought our plane tickets to the uk and has been paying for us for the last 2 months and has given me money to help. However, I can’t just get an apartment without enough money for first, last and deposit or 2 of those. I can’t get an apartment without a job showing I have 3x the rent. I can’t get a job without childcare. So don’t talk to me about knowing better, I made decisions from the options I had. Maybe you would have done different but our situations are different, our options in life are different, you do not face the same struggles as me. So take your unkind words elsewhere because you are not helping me or my situation in anyway and just bringing more negativity to a bad situation. Way to kick another mother whilst she’s already down.
