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wombat5003 t1_j5q4mmo wrote

The problem I have with that is folks don’t really understand psychedelics as well as say cannabis…it’s not the same and can lead to bad experiences and yes overdosing… also I remember when I used to do them, I could only handle doing it 1 time a week because it made me very sick of say I did them one day after the other ( I think they have some toxins like strychnine or something like that… just my opinion of course


Sandlicker t1_j5qkqqw wrote

First, when truly appreciated cannabis is also a psychedelic.

Second, cannabis can also lead to bad experiences and "overdosing" (i.e. taking more than necessary to produce the desired effect, resulting in undesired effects, but not toxicity)

Third, doing mushrooms more than once a week is a bad idea anyway. It's really more of a once-a-month max type of deal and twice a year is fine even for most experienced users.


wombat5003 t1_j5qq3vn wrote

Come on :) cannabis will not trip you out like mushrooms… light trippy effects…now you can have a bad experience with cannabis… it is not in the same universe as a bad experience with mushrooms. Especially with someone who does not know a thing or 2 about them… it’s a much more powerful drug, and in the right setting is awsome, but in a wrong setting not so much…. I’m not saying I did once a week all the time, but if I had a bag of shrooms yeah I’d do a few once a week… but honest last time was like 30 years ago, those were different days before wife kids etc….


Sandlicker t1_j5qtmvz wrote

Each mind-altering substance has its own unique effects and risks. The effects of psilocybin may be more "intense", by some measures, but I've always felt more in control under its influence than I have with alcohol, for example. Likewise, while a bad experience with mushrooms can be much worse, bad experiences with cannabis are much more common in my personal history, and I've had far more bad experiences with alcohol which objectively does much more damage to society than either of the others.