Submitted by FormalOpportunity668 t3_10pl2na in massachusetts

A Hingham, Mass animal control police officer came to my house out of uniform and without identifying herself when my dog was sick.

Without provocation she was rude aggressive and belittling to me too a point I talked back to this person. (Who talks back to a cop??! The woman was so aggressive I reacted and got into words with her, simply trying to have her back off.

Obviously to get me back she filed a bogus police report with several significant lies. I got caught in the courts for 9 long expensive months.

How do I hold this officer accountable for abusing her powers?



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tobiasrfunke t1_j6l4heh wrote

To be honest this story is hard to understand the way it's written. It seems like a lot of information is missing. You might try being more clear, which might make it easier to answer some version of the question you're asking.


ak47workaccnt t1_j6nmn2h wrote

Be suspicious of adjectivenoun### usernames with low karma. I feel like I've seen a handful of posts by accounts like these that barely make sense and can't/won't give clear answers.


Appropriate-XBL t1_j6l6lar wrote

Call attorneys and have a 10-20 sentence version of your story ready. Don’t ramble. Tell your story, then answer their questions with just the info they’re looking for and then await another question. Short and precise. When they’re done, they should tell you what they think.

If you’re rambling or emotional or whacky, they aren’t gonna want to help. Crazy clients are more trouble than they’re worth.


ak47workaccnt t1_j6njibp wrote

Why did they show up in the first place? What does your dog being sick have to do with it?


Outrageous_Map3458 t1_j6n6mtt wrote

You don’t unless you want her to take you back to court.


AnyRound5042 t1_j6o3zr5 wrote

Or just fucking shoot you those thugs don't take this kind of thing lightly


Hoosac_Love t1_j6nwnsc wrote

Get an attorney with civil rights knowledge or contact the Chief of Police who oversees the officer who behaved inapropriately.Contact the mayor or town council.


Fun_Top5285 t1_j6oqeda wrote

That was a freaken dog catcher not a police officer or K-9 police officer.


bostonkyle106 t1_j6p3hl2 wrote

In some cities and towns, animal control officers are sworn police officers with arrest powers and they carry firearms.