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lectrician7 OP t1_j60ogqp wrote

Asking a question isn’t spreading rumors. I’m literally trying to find out if anyone has first hang knowledge. As seen it for themselves. That’s why I specified that. So far it seems the answer in no.


Son_of_Blorko t1_j60ozo4 wrote

The point you seem to be missing (perhaps intentionally) is that nobody can give you first-hand knowledge of something that doesn't actually exist.


lectrician7 OP t1_j60p739 wrote

That’s exactly why I asked for first hand knowledge. I have serious trouble believing it’s actually the case and I’m sick of people who have said elsewhere that they heard something but have no actual proof?


solvatochrome t1_j60p9uc wrote

youre waiting for someone to tell you the answer you want to hear, despite everyone telling you it is objectively false.


lectrician7 OP t1_j60ronl wrote

Ummmm read some of my comment responses. Your blatantly wrong. There’s a reason I asked for someone who had frost hand knowledge because I’m fairly confident that won’t happen. See I knew you were wrong. Don’t make assumptions about people. It’s wrong and kinda mean to be honest.

Edit: people doing that like you did is probably one the biggest problems I society today. Why you assumed that I wanted it to be true is beyond me. You should never assume anything, ask questions of people get their true feeling on things. Don’t go hating people for no reason. Be better. We are guilty of this at times I suppose.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j60taan wrote

The problem is this is a vicious GOP/Fox/MAGA/republican rumor meant to ridicule the Trans community. This is not harmless. That’s why people are reacting strongly. It’s discriminatory.


lectrician7 OP t1_j60v0hk wrote

So you don’t think that making your judgement about me before even talking to me was wrong? Or are just gonna ignore that you made up your mind and were wrong? I seriously think this is one our biggest issues in society. If people would just talk like human beings (no matter what their political views are) this country would be far better.