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BrokedownAlice69 t1_j6hvscz wrote

Hahaha. Gotta love the Massachusetts Rockies


OptimalFlight101 t1_j6i0a6n wrote

I would love to have this kind of scenery just 10 miles from Boston.


gravitas-deficiency t1_j6ie5rc wrote

Seriously, we’d be SWARMING those slopes during ski season


Cersad t1_j6iltgy wrote

Ski sloped in the Northeast are always swarmed. Always.

The difference between lift lines for a ski lift in the Northeast after freezing rain is like 5x longer than lines for a ski lift in Breckenridge on a powder day.


DMala t1_j6itbew wrote

The secret is first chair. Get out there as soon as the lifts open, and you get an hour or two of untouched corduroy and almost no one around. Yeah you have to drag your ass out of bed, but it’s totally worth it.


RedheadsAreNinjas t1_j6lwqi4 wrote

Ahhh… corduroy. Born and raised MA, live out in the Rockies now and this made me think of all those mornings growing up when my dad would get us in the car at 4am to make first chair up at wild cat. Stay safe folks & please wear a helmet!


Kooky_Coyote7911 t1_j6iokms wrote

Maybe Blue Hills, maybe.... Definitely not Natick.. Natick is further than 10 miles from Boston anyway


canadacorriendo785 t1_j6l7bmf wrote

At their closest points Natick is 6 miles from Boston.


flickerdown t1_j6j7zno wrote

What?! You mean Nashoba Valley Ski Area doesn’t count?! For shame.
