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JohnnyRebe1 t1_j6njrc4 wrote

You don’t just get told to strike by some unforeseen force. In a union you vote. If the majority vote to strike than the union as a whole goes on strike. If you choose not to participate in the union vote than that’s a you problem. If you have no savings built up to cover a couple weeks on strike, that’s on you. Getting paid 2.25 to hold signs for a couple hours, to better your unions standing, better pay, benefits, or to prevent the company from taking benefits away. Only a moron would complain about the strike. We’ve got people like you in my union as well. Everyone hates them. Waah I have no money. I can’t strike. Who cares if the company wants to take the pension away. Who cares if inflation is at 10%, a 3% raise is fine…. Fuck that shit.


[deleted] t1_j6nklj7 wrote



96suluman OP t1_j6nq17g wrote

This law was passed in 1919 during the first red scare because they feared communists.