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dac5691 t1_j4hbfwn wrote

This is exciting to you? You should be paying close to 2.00 per gallon like we did when President Trumps was in office


Alternative-Bee-8981 t1_j4hles0 wrote

Yea yea not like there was some kind of pandemic going on and people weren't really traveling basically tanking gas prices because it's a commodity based on demand.... No no it was all Trump 🤦🤦🤦 FFS with these stupid people...


[deleted] t1_j4hd4ai wrote

Durrrrrrrrrrrrr 🥴

Can you just move south? Where the stupidpeople live? The ones who think gas is tied to the presidency or some shitgrade tarsands pipeline?

How are you that fucking clueless?


zudnic t1_j4ifmky wrote

Actually, Trump not caring about COVID and getting hundreds of thousands sick who shouldn't have been.... Just Trump playing 4-D chess to get gas prices down. Stable genius and all.



dac5691 t1_j4hdtkc wrote

Ah I see someone has been glued to CNN and actually believes that Biden signing executive orders on day 1 of his presidency has absolutely nothing to do with gas and oil prices rising, must move nice living in your world where everything is explained by fools on liberal news stations


Keeting t1_j4hq7de wrote

Must be nice living in your world where all Democrats are liberals and are simultaneously incompetent and evil masterminds.


[deleted] t1_j4ht4bv wrote

It’s incomprehensible how utterly helpless and clueless these people are. They literally cannot think for themselves and the best part is that they think that about everyone else, the entire planet’s professional consensus on any matter, or just plain reality.

Makes complete sense that these are the same idiots controlled by their religious cults like mindless slaves of yestermillenia


dac5691 t1_j4ie7w4 wrote

Actually it sucks, I think your ideology is ruining my great country


420trashcan t1_j4je8t5 wrote

In what specific ways?


dac5691 t1_j4jgyhw wrote

Google border invasion

Google Fentynal deaths

Google massive inflation

Google war on middle class

Google weaponization of Justice Department by Biden

Start there and let me know if you still can’t figure it out. How anyone that loves their country can stand for this is beyond me


420trashcan t1_j4k0m9b wrote


Not something the GOP has a plan to improve

Less inflation here than most other countries.

Perpetuated by the GOP


Any more?


neridqe00 t1_j4htg8o wrote

This is a joke right? Like a zippy troll having some Sunday fun?


Keeting t1_j4hpuq5 wrote

I’d rather be able to go out and about in the world.


[deleted] t1_j4ri1pq wrote



dac5691 t1_j4rjjjn wrote

You voted for the worst President in history and you don’t have a clue how he is fucking crushing you and your family, assuming you are a contributor to the tax base and I’m the dipshit? Got it